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Business, Architecture, and Art Demystified

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Business, Architecture, and Art Demystified




Posts: 380
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Joined: Nov 06, 2019
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Four years registered

Hey, how y'all doing? Hope all is well.

I was watching a movie, so I thought I might as well do something productive and write an article, given that we're all problem solvers and experience makers, on a personal and professional level, and that the only product is contentment, I'm happy when y'all happy, the movie wasn't cutting it for me, it's really about the people, more than it's about the place and play.

We are all life supporting life, so there could only be one science, which I called natural system engineering. We explore potential, discover possibilities, design systems, build structures, and maintain order. Every live system has a purpose, parts, and functions, it doesn't get any different than that. it's just that different fields have different terminologies and language, given that most people go the specialization route, but we don't have to. We could invest our time is whatever we believe in, selling products, giving services, and sharing ideas, money is just a by-product and a mean to an end, it's all about the experience, all customers ask what's in it for them, per say. if anything, materially, the main thing is land & resources, the rest is details. However, given that we live in a competitive system, it's a counter-intuitive hierarchy, laborers are under-paid, all fields have been over-complicated, professionals have been divided and managed, and value is being placed on superficial things, divide and conquer, if you will. Community building is where it's at, we're got to form strong communities with a united vision, that's what life is about, at least on a family level. Our arts should reflect the reality, highlighting the natural beauty, seeing through, watering our flower.

One love y'all

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"A good hacker is like a ninja, plans with precision, executes with stealth, and hides in the shadows." - Anonymous



    Nicolas Tesla

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Four years registered

didnt read but seems u re completly right  :kek:

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The way I see it there's no talent involved in listening to clients and having their best interest at heart. My dream has always been to run my own office and rightnow I'm building up my experience to do it. Being an Architect has very little to do with what you learn in architecture school. Building relationships with builders, contractors, and clients is the back bone of the business with the design being the fun part that drives each individual project. Is it going to make me rich? I highly doubt it but have I enjoyed working as an architect since I graduated? Yes. Everyone is different so find what works for you

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