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There have been 8 items by FaithHF (Search limited from May 22, 2023)

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#43635407 How to download the source code?

Posted by FaithHF on 22 August 2023 - 11:07 PM in General Chat

By opening the source code and clicking the "Download" button.

What were you expecting?


Posted by FaithHF on 07 June 2023 - 07:04 AM in Products

Dropping a vouch. Got it done quick and was patient.

#41534977 "question" What do i have to learn to be an software engineer?

Posted by FaithHF on 31 January 2023 - 02:42 PM in General Chat

C++ allows direct memory manipulation which helps you understand systems more

C# allows you to understand .net and Windows applications more

Do me a favour, write an abstract class in C++, then make an actual class that inherits from it. Whatever is in that class doesn't matter, so long as there is one property and one method. And of course, use that method somehow (e.g. print the data with std::cout)

Now, after compiling it, throw it into x64dbg, and try to make ANY sense of it.

(Easy mode: use whatever additional tooling you want, but that would prove that it's not understandable at low-level.)

(Hard mode: compile without symbols, like an actual release-version of any software.)


As for C#, yeah you learn the .NET framework, which is, well, a runtime. It's inherently high-level since it's a compatibility layer between the OS and your code. That's like saying Java is low-level.

inb4: "I can call a native DLL with C#!" Yeah, Java can do that too through JNI. The native DLL isn't written in C# or Java though since the bytecode is completely different.

Learning winternals is learning Win32. Not learning .NET


Low-level access does not mean low-level language. You need to already have a good grasp of low-level fundamentals before you use low-level access in a language, and low-level access is still mostly optional in both those languages.

#41509774 "question" What do i have to learn to be an software engineer?

Posted by FaithHF on 28 January 2023 - 11:18 PM in General Chat

I think you need to master low level programming language like C++ and C# which will make you understand more on how systems work and such



How are either of those low-level...?

#41322764 "question" What do i have to learn to be an software engineer?

Posted by FaithHF on 11 January 2023 - 03:21 AM in General Chat

At least in Canada, there's a distinction between Software Engineers and normal developers.


An Engineer has the ability to sign off on official documents in a court of law. This is especially important for stuff like urban planning and development (i.e. a hospital is getting a contractor to install a new software system --> they will need to audit the system extensively and ensure that it works perfectly all the time --> Engineer can sign off and approve the development.)


The only way to get this accreditation is, well, to actually go to school and get an engineering degree.


But, the way you worded the question makes it seem like you don't mean 'engineer', you mean 'developer.'


In which case:

--> Learn a popular language in your current job market

--> Learn whatever frameworks are in-demand in your current job market

--> Learn theory of computer science (algorithms design and analysis, digital systems, some level of math like early calculus and discrete math at the very least and linear algebra if it's applicable to the field of your choosing)

And land yourself a junior position.

After that, you'll figure out what you might need to learn (project management, devops, basic system administration, theory of the systems you're using, for example cloud-native architecture) and all you need to do is learn it.

#41151669 I want to start coding but how?

Posted by FaithHF on 26 December 2022 - 01:46 AM in General Chat

I'll let you in on a little secret:


Literally any place is a good place to start.


Beginner progamming is 100% fundamentally identical. No matter where you learn from, you will learn the same concepts, completely language independent. Java has iterators and for loops, just like Python. Same goes for Javascript. At more intermediate/advanced levels, you learn about design patterns and paradigms like OOP or FP, as well as DS+Algs. Still mostly language-independent, even though some languages might have you implement those things yourself since they won't be included in the standard library.


The less time you spend figuring out 'where' to learn, the more time you'll spend actually learning.


My thoughts on LinkedIn Learning personally is that it's not necessarily bad, but I haven't found any kind of 'forbidden knowledge' on there. I did one course on "Embedded C" but it really just covered bit fields and small optimizations, which are also taught in Prata's "C Primer Plus" (6th ed.) In other words, it teaches nothing that isn't covered somewhere else. All materials teach the same things, just using slightly different words. Really no different than buying a Udemy course on sale, or pirating a book from your favourite publisher.

#41141733 I want to start coding but how?

Posted by FaithHF on 24 December 2022 - 10:15 PM in General Chat

Thing is, what's best is completely subjective to your background, goals, aspirations, etc.


I'm assuming you have at least SOME programming knowledge if you did at least some college, so you're probably not at a complete beginner level. That being said, you might not be particularly advanced in the theory part either, depending on what program you took (college in Canada is 2-3 years of just scripting mainly, paired with some sysadmin stuff, but university level compsci is theory-heavy, doing stuff like algorithms analysis, graphics and mathematics, and more abstract software-engineering patterns.) If you aren't versed on theory but you can write scripts and basic programs, then you'll want to brush up on your Algs+DS as well as maybe some linear algebra, depending on the field you want to go into. (Those high-paying jobs likely concern themselves with speed and architecture design, not just making a product that works at a bare minimum.) Most programming interviews are mainly just DS+Algs anyway, so you should have a solid theoretical foundation going into them.


It really shouldn't take you more than a weekend to learn a new language (unless it also involves learning a new paradigm or learning third-party libraries) so I'd tend to not worry about the language you're using or the languages you want to learn. Python is a good place to start, but Java is still used most frequently in enterprise environments.


You might need to drop a bit more information about what you actually want to do at your future job. I'm sure you have some sense of that if you're graduating soon.

#40315361 How can I learn coding easily?

Posted by FaithHF on 10 October 2022 - 08:33 AM in General Chat

I'm gonna be honest with you, no one has some kind of forbidden secret arcane knowledge that will make you a god overnight.

One resource is never really any better than another resource if they are both targeted at beginners, since beginners need to learn the same foundations regardless.

You only begin to see a difference when you actually start learning more advanced subjects.


(And no, OOP and paradigms themselves aren't considered advanced. I mean the actual 'science' part of 'computer science.')


1. Go to YouTube.

2. Find a video with a lot of views talking about the most in-demand languages, or the best languages for beginners, or something along those lines.

3. Pick one of them.

4. Chances are that the description of the video will have courses or other recommended resources for each language. Follow those.

5. If it doesn't, then go to Google, and type in 'learn X for beginners' or 'learn X for free'. Use one of the first few results.


It's really not that deep.