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QuiGonJinn's Content

There have been 23 items by QuiGonJinn (Search limited from Jun 09, 2023)

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#38331113 4x dominos with 2 free pizzas!

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 02 May 2022 - 02:39 AM in Accounts

Okey the thing is, I have to wait 4 hours till dominos opens up, till then I try not to jerk off to this delitious thread, thank you! <3 :ph34r:

#38325967 Logitech yoga mouse SE method

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 01 May 2022 - 07:10 PM in Social Engineering

yo pm me now please, I can code


Posted by QuiGonJinn on 30 April 2022 - 11:39 PM in Combolists

+rep, lets see what I get get, hope its nice and hq

#38304203 [Source Code VB.Net/C#] Convert Byte() to Bitmap or Image

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 30 April 2022 - 12:00 AM in .NET Framework

Hello there,


this code will make a image out of the bytes of a byte array.


How to use?

Easy, you just read the bybtes of any file, and use them as a paramter for the "fileToPixels" function.

Where to use it?


Where ever you want to put a bytearray into an image. You can also use all three color-codes out of RGB or even four from the RGBA code. This will reduce the image sice, since there are less pixels and less potential "save-places" for the bytes


Code in VB.NET

   Function fileToPixels(ByVal st As Byte()) As Bitmap
        Dim sl As Integer = st.Length - 1
        Dim bb As Bitmap = New Bitmap(st.Length, 1)
        For i = 0 To sl - 1
            bb.SetPixel(i, 0, Color.FromArgb(0, st(i), 0))
        Return bb
   End Function
   Function pixelsToFile(ByVal btm As Bitmap)
        Dim bwidth = btm.Width
        Dim mm As MemoryStream
        mm = New MemoryStream
        For i = 0 To bwidth - 1
            mm.WriteByte(btm.GetPixel(i, 0).G)
        Dim bt As Byte() = mm.ToArray
        IO.File.WriteAllBytes("C:\Users\rdm_filename.exe", bt)
   End Function

Code in C#

   public Bitmap fileToPixels(byte[] st)
        int sl = st.Length - 1;
        Bitmap bb = new Bitmap(st.Length, 1);
        for (var i = 0; i <= sl - 1; i++)
            bb.SetPixel(i, 0, Color.FromArgb(0, st[i], 0));
        return bb;
    public void pixelsToFile(Bitmap btm)
        var bwidth = btm.Width;
        MemoryStream mm;
        mm = new MemoryStream();
        for (var i = 0; i <= bwidth - 1; i++)
            mm.WriteByte(btm.GetPixel(i, 0).G);
        byte[] bt = mm.ToArray();
        System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\Users\rdm_filename.exe", bt);

Results cant be shown due to the weird image-format. encryption and compression is possible, get the Ascii code trough String.Asc("").

I made a matrix version with two "for" loops, you can do that too! Square out the length, add +1 and use it as the maximum to reach.

//Int sqr_root = (length^(1/2));
' Dim sqr_root = (Length^(1/2))

for (Int I = 0; I < (sqr_root+1); I++){//code}

Result of matrix:


PRO TIP: dont try to convert the bytes into a file, they are manipulated so its impossible :D

#38282407 Kaspersky Tweak Assistant

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 27 April 2022 - 11:47 PM in Cracking Tools

but does it connect to the internet or distribute at all?

#38282392 How to steal minecraft account?

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 27 April 2022 - 11:45 PM in Requests

you can send someone a trojan to read it out or you check the password with the email for the account,

For example a combo list, it is a list that contains emails and passwords that are very common, likly to match or from dataleaks or anything else, like this:

[email protected]:rijgiderjg8etg490

and in such a list, you find more than 10 or 100.000 accounts you could check.


You are not allowed to do that, which is why you should buy a VERY GOOD vpn, not like nord or etc., use pp.


#38282300 888 rat 1.0.9 clean crack

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 27 April 2022 - 11:36 PM in Cracked Programs

very cool, I saw a image of the design, now I will test this tool. wanna know how you cracked it too :D

#38281086 VB Decompiler Pro v10.0 + Key

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 27 April 2022 - 09:46 PM in .NET Framework

wow that looks very beautiful and simple, great work and a good project to get used to reflection :D

#38281059 How to get source code from js

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 27 April 2022 - 09:43 PM in HTML, CSS, JS & PHP

you cant see the scripts from the backend but the embeded scripts, search trough the html code for ".js" and click on the refernced links

#38281052 Website security

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 27 April 2022 - 09:42 PM in HTML, CSS, JS & PHP

using tor and making/hosting the site via tor would be very anonymous, extra layer of good vpn (vpn4, pp)

#38281028 How to learn JavaScript

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 27 April 2022 - 09:40 PM in HTML, CSS, JS & PHP

you could try to start with a beginner course.


If you try to go for a strong education you could use visual studio code and node.js to get a better idea of what you  can do with back end, middleware and front end

#38281013 API

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 27 April 2022 - 09:39 PM in HTML, CSS, JS & PHP

normally you get a format for a url like


just us the given url from the company (not from my example), paste the key on the right spot, end.

#38280994 need help with html

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 27 April 2022 - 09:37 PM in HTML, CSS, JS & PHP

yea ctrl+F5 will do it. Also interesting, you can use your browser to resize the items trough the "inspector" or use js fiddle, but the browser got all you need

#38280976 dont need more

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 27 April 2022 - 09:35 PM in HTML, CSS, JS & PHP

most probably not, the browser works with sandboxing so you have to get a way out of it with your bytes, and thats tough for just one browser version...

#38272255 C# WebClient Dropper [FUD]

Posted by QuiGonJinn on 27 April 2022 - 03:56 AM in .NET Framework

common, this 2 detections can be bypassed ;D