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There have been 25 items by Moneyrain0x (Search limited from Jun 09, 2023)

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#43786994 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 07 September 2023 - 01:41 PM in Solved

What are you talking about sir.. @Lucas this situation is very tiring, I don't know how to tell him anymore that I couldn't care less about disabling his keys..

Your word is worth nothing but shit as we could see in this thread at least 5times. You couldn't care less? Oh thats why it took a year and a report for you to replace them in the first place.

#43780532 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 06 September 2023 - 07:21 PM in Solved

It is and I am still not getting how that can happen if he himself says it never happens. I suspect him giving me those keys to simply invalidate them once this report is closed, that's why it took so long, because they manually had to upgrade it.

#43779493 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 06 September 2023 - 05:04 PM in Solved


Dude, why do you keep lying?


The upgrade took a minimum of 6 hours. If you say it is "fully automated" how comes mine takes that long? You do 300 upgrades a day, none takes longer than one hour, but the only one I try from they keys you gave me, took 6 hours+.


You are just full of shit, nothing changed.


@Lucas "verify_address":"100 Lake Forest Dr, Montgomery, AL 36117, USA", is what their OWN API gives me as an adress. Does that seem like Italy? Especially with the USA in the end? This guy thinks we are all stupid.

#43778924 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 06 September 2023 - 03:32 PM in Solved

If you checked at random from the list and there were no issues, and they are promising to replace whenever there is a problem, I dont see the point in keeping the report open other than you being spiteful about the situation. If you have no reason to keep this report open for any longer as they will handle any issues you have, I will have to close the report. 

I do, I tried a single key until now.


What it told me when using it: I will be premium in a few minutes it said.


It took a minimum of half a day, I chose Italy as Country for the Account, got a US Adress - half a day later.


If I really have to enter Usernames and Passwords for each account I want to upgrade and choose an appriopriate Country, just for them to Upgrade the Account by hand, this is by far not what I paid for.


If the message says:


Upgrade request sent successfully, your account will be Premium in a few minutes, you can check the status via the key info



The only reason I see why it takes half a day, and doesn't honor my Country choice, is because they manually do the upgrade on that account. Their message says a few minutes, which lets me assume that it usually is an automated process. Why with my key not?

#43760703 Hiring Google Adwords Manager (Real IT Company)

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 04 September 2023 - 02:35 PM in Buyers

Google charges you for everything in Ads, not only for conversions. What you are seeking for is impossible (at least how you formulated it)


You will definitely need to pay for clicks as well as conversions. Google does not differentiate between clicks and conversions when it comes to charging you, it only differentiates by displaying conversions in your Ads Account and showing how much you spent / conversion.

#43759826 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 04 September 2023 - 12:17 PM in Solved

@Lucas you can close this report please, this guy is out of the world, i think he have worst problem in is life and can't make a normal discussion without spit shit on everyone/everything, now the problem is the system, damn go to a doctor sir, and don't worry you are not the only that spend 1k$ on packages, take care and have a good day 

"You dishonor peoples money and effort just because you think you have to be there for everyone?" no sense sentences of the day, let's close with this

Okay, didn't want to mention that publicly, because you are actually quite pathetic, but okay, let's play the game like this:


1. Lucas said the report stays open until I checked.

2. How the fuck do you think you are allowed to ask other moderators behind Lucas's back to delete the Feedback in your thread although Lucas himself said it was legitimate?

3. Providing keys you can invalidate yourself all the time force me to write a script to automatically use all the keys and get 1000 upgraded accounts i dont need, because you can't be trusted at all.


Don't make me dig up more shit on you, it is already more than pathetic what you are trying here and I want to focus on getting what I paid for instead of dealing with your BS all the time. You are btw still owing me an apology, which I never got from you.

#43750291 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 03 September 2023 - 12:32 PM in Solved

Sir, i asked 2 times for proof of purchase, even if you are right, and proof was already on pm, why you waited 1 month to reply me? i replied you in the same day, now you complain about but sir, damn check your action on a mirror, you reply 1 month after, 1 year after, i reply you on same day every time, for 1 TIME i didn't replied you, you started talking shit about me and my service. Also last thing, your last message was finally a "scam report open in 24h", and you didn't even gived me the time to see the message, you opened the report 5 min after the pm.. what the hell, are you in another universe or what? (

Is normal i don't try to deal with you, someone that act like that is impossible to deal, so yeah, i prefer to deal here in front of everyone with also Lucas as middleman.

And i can't admit my fault after 5 min of checking the situation, i don't work only for you, i have plenty of customers and staff to manage, so SORRY if i need at least 24h to check the entire situation.

Have a good day

Once 24 hours pass, our years don't pass by usually. You needed 24hours to check? The timespan I wanted to give you and then just ignored because you already took a year to reply?


You replying within the same day has no use for me if you ask for useless information that can be found in the same conversation as well. You dishonor everyones time in favor of yours. You dishonor peoples money and effort just because you think you have to be there for everyone? As a vendor your duty is to provide service for paying customers. How many of your "5000 Customers" actually pay more than 1000€ on an order? Not many I guess. Why do you prioritize everyone else when a customer with such an order is waiting? Why do you keep asking him for proof of purchase (which was in the same conversation) and for the "reseller link" which you sent him in the first place?


I am sorry, but from reply to reply you make yourself look worse. Giving me "a 1000 new keys" that I can use on your platform in 2 separate links doesn't make me check them faster, especially because I do not believe in shit your system says as long as it doesn't perform the task it is made for. This is your own fault.

#43744084 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 02 September 2023 - 07:57 PM in Solved


- This kind customer bought a package on August 21, 2020

- In April 2022, we made db change due to some improvements, the purchases made OFF-site were not automatically imported due to technical problems.

- On April 12, 2022, the customer wrote to me again obviously pointing out the lack of his keys from the system. 

- On April 13, 2022 (24 HOURS LATER) I reply asking for proof of purchase as normal routine on these cases

- 23 June 2022 RESPONDS to my proof of purchase request, with simply the package ID

- 23 June 2022 (THE SAME DAY) I reply asking for proof of payment, we are talking about $1100 not $5, so it seems to me the minimum

- 13 October 2022 FINALLY he points out to me that the proof is in the pm, let's realize the distance in which this customer responds THAT REALLY NEEDS to solve the problem.

(Here the customer now insinuates that I ignored it, as if is easy to remember that 2 YEARS BEFORE, I had sold this package via pm and therefore the proof of purchase was in the pm)

- Here I make my mistake, i.e. I don't read or read (I honestly don't remember) the message and forget about the problem.

Now I don't want to justify myself, it can happen, but as it is written everywhere in my threads, we have a ticketing panel where a DEDICATED STAFF answers all tickets and solves all problems, the admins can verify, in 6 years of service I have given support on the forums perhaps to 3 customers, not because they don't want to, but because it's actually inconvenient and traceability is not the best.


- Obviously he replied on August 31, 2023..... telling me that if I didn't solve the problem within 24 hours he would open a report, well, not even the time to open this pm and I found this report open, indeed, after this message from the 24 hours, opened the report 5 minutes later… Okkkkkkk


That said, we obviously have the package backed up from the old backups, what I will do, as an apology gesture on my part, instead of importing the old keys, which had been partially used, I will send a BRAND NEW package for you to use.


I wrote this RECAP because the words that this client has used to describe me, my staff and my service are defamatory and unfair, so here is the story obviously entirely verifiable by the ADMINs via the PMs we exchanged with the client (I would that @Lucas confirms everything)


That said, whether or not you want to delete this misplaced and unfair review or not, we are with a clear conscience,

Have a nice day


(New package that have a value of 2k€, as prices on these 3 years are changed, got already sent in pm to the customer @Moneyrain0x)


Let me dissect this a bit:


- 23 June 2022 RESPONDS to my proof of purchase request, with simply the package ID


Your "proof of purchase request" was this message: Hi sir, please send me your reseller link


- 23 June 2022 (THE SAME DAY) I reply asking for proof of payment, we are talking about $1100 not $5, so it seems to me the minimum


Yeah, you did, after I sent you the "reseller link" you requested. In the same PM in which you had the payment proof already 3x and in which I bought the package.




Can you send me some proof of this package? we don't find any keys in our databases with this order id





- 13 October 2022 FINALLY he points out to me that the proof is in the pm, let's realize the distance in which this customer responds THAT REALLY NEEDS to solve the problem.

(Here the customer now insinuates that I ignored it, as if is easy to remember that 2 YEARS BEFORE, I had sold this package via pm and therefore the proof of purchase was in the pm)

- Here I make my mistake, i.e. I don't read or read (I honestly don't remember) the message and forget about the problem.

Now I don't want to justify myself, it can happen, but as it is written everywhere in my threads, we have a ticketing panel where a DEDICATED STAFF answers all tickets and solves all problems, the admins can verify, in 6 years of service I have given support on the forums perhaps to 3 customers, not because they don't want to, but because it's actually inconvenient and traceability is not the best.



You make a mistake, read my message "Dude stop ignoring me finally. I will open a scam report if you do not fix this issue in a timely manner (24 hours from now)" on 31st August and decide to ignore it, which was the time I opened a Report.


- You are lying although Lucas is invited to the PMs and ask him to verify your lies?




I received the links to the keys he mentioned, but I will check them for validity as I said, as I don't trust this vendor at all. He couldn't even once tell the truth and it just hurts




Nobody would have been mad at you if you admitted your fault in the first place and seriously tried to do something about it, but the entirety of this report you didn't even once tried to contact me in any way and tried to lie your way around it. I wouldn't be so salty if you would have just apologized and fixed the issue.

#43740793 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 02 September 2023 - 12:08 PM in Solved

Product will not be replaced, we will just reactivated, keys are just not in new db, what we are doing now with my team is simply reimport keys from old db to new one, so you will simply get same status keys of last time you used these.

We found it keys in old backup, now we are importing it, i confirm today when is done.

Please @Lucas if you can also take a look on what he posted on my sales threads will be cool, we have 5k customers, hundred of orders and not even 1 scam report in last 2 years, this guy pretend in 24h to have a solution for a problem of 2 years ago, and now shit posting on our sales thread, this is free damage.


So you ignore my messages about a replacement for the keys I paid for for 2 years and now expect people to think you didn't scam me? You are a scammer, nothing else. Reimporting the keys? Suddenly you have a backup and know what I am talking about? If I was the admin of nulled, you would have been banned twice already just because of your pathetic lies to your customers.


The Feedback in your thread is absolutely correct and it should stick there so people see what a useless piece of crap vendor you are. I am still waiting for an apology, a replacement or a reply to my PM from 2 years ago, but you don't even do that. So for all his "5k Customers":


This guy is a fraud. He is full of shit and if he promises you something, he won't do it. If he offers a service, he may revoke it at any time and just ignore you until you open a report.



THIS is the kind of vendor and person you are. A fraud, nothing more. Btw, for his 5k Customers, his last message to me:


compare to what he said in his last reply here and you will see he is full of shit.

#43735458 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 01 September 2023 - 09:21 PM in Solved

Oh and you can see it, but the others can't:


Not a single reply of the vendor, not now, not for the past 2 years, not even when the report was open and you told him to replace for me. That is the kind of vendor I have to deal with.

#43735433 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 01 September 2023 - 09:19 PM in Solved

1) you bought from him, and did not report him in 3 years. It was your choice.

2) I would not trust anyone but you DID and you decided to buy from him, and to wait for him to respond for 3 years. Now he is able to replace. 

3) We don't have to trust that he provides the service after report is closed. The report can stay open until you get the product delivered to you and confirm it's ok.

4) this is irrelevant because you bought from him 3 years ago and waited until today to report him, when he is able to replace, you could have reported him before, you could have contacted him again or attempted to contact him elsewhere in the past years. 


There is no reason (unless he is unable to replace them) to make him refund. If he were unable to replace or unable to provide a reliable service now, he would be forced to refund you. However, you should have reported him earlier, years ago, when you had the issue, and not now. 

I mean, as I said, I tried multiple ways contacting him. He just never replied. Sure, we can keep the report open until I checked each and every key for validity by hand, I don't mind, but please add a badge for him that says that he has a report open until I checked them. That is the least he deserves for being such a piece of crap vendor.


I am really unhappy with the kind of solution, but I get your point as well @Lucas  I am just 100% sure this guy will scam me again, no matter how you decide here. I am also not going to remove my Feedback in any of his threads so everyone knows how he deals with customers.


Posted by Moneyrain0x on 01 September 2023 - 05:15 PM in Services

Scammed me, won't reply to PMs, needed a Report for him to reply - but just in the report, not in my PM - also did never provide a replacement for products I paid for and he deleted. DWC, this guy is a fraud.

#43733387 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 01 September 2023 - 05:07 PM in Solved

I dont understand, you bought keys 3 years ago but you are reporting him today, when he is able to provide replacement for the keys? If he is able to provide a replacement now and you did not report him in the past years I can't make him refund you, I can make him replace because that's the service you paid for. 

I would understand that, if this report wasn't necessary to get a replacement in the first place. The vendor just refused to give me a replacement, you have to see the private messages between me and him. How can I be assured, that once I get a replacement, it will work? How can I get him to reply at all if it took a report to let him reply?


It has been years, yes, I tried several different ways to contact him, none worked. I tried PM here, he just asked me for proof of purchase and ignored me. I am not able to use his service for more than 3 years, from my perspective this vendor just scammed me and now that I turned to you, reporting him, he wants to give me something? How am I supposed to check a thousand keys for validity, which I would have to do, since the seller didn't hold any of his promises, deleted the product I paid for and didn't reply until I reported him?


I know, this case is a bit complicated, but if you were in my position, would you trust him with an order that big, if he just fooled you by intention for the past 3 years? @Lucas



You can also check the timestamps of when the messages have been read by him, he just didn't want to reply and didn't want to provide a service i paid for. How can I trust that what he delivers works once this report is closed?


Also just added you to the conversation so you can check yourself what he is doing here. Those keys would require me to use them on his site, and as we have seen he isn't just able to remove the keys/invalidate them, he also just does it without telling the customer and won't restore unless reported.

#43731898 Scam Report against | /4364891-porsche911 | 15-20$ BTC

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 01 September 2023 - 01:49 PM in Solved

Thank you @Porsche911


@Lucas, he sent me a replacement over PM, all good! :)

#43731653 Scam Report against | /user/941029-asura | 1100$

Posted by Moneyrain0x on 01 September 2023 - 01:11 PM in Solved

I do not need them anymore, how do you think I need those if it took you more than 1,5 years to reactivate them? Now suddenly you are restoring them and have a backup and never seen my PM? You are full of shit.



You asked me 1 year ago about these keys, i replied you i need proof of purchase, i simply didn't see your reply,

You need proof of purchase for a purchase you have proof for in the same PM? Again: You are full of shit.


I want a refund, I do not need the keys years after I bought them and couldn't use them because you ignored me like a scammer.


Let's make it easier for lucas to see HOW MUCH YOU SUCK:


Look at the date. He didn't reply for 2 years, the screenshot (which actually still works) is a proof of payment. Then he wanted the link he sent me for the keys (which made no sense for me but i sent it to him) after which he said:

Can you send me some proof of this package? we don't find any keys in our databases with this order id


Seriously? No, I do not want any service from you, I want my money back for a service you could never provide.