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Lizardo's Content

There have been 9 items by Lizardo (Search limited from Jun 09, 2023)

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#24448655 - Shoppy Directory / Item Finder - NEW UPDATE

Posted by Lizardo on 06 February 2020 - 11:45 PM in Products

Hey @Noncee,


your website is currently facing issues.


EDIT: It is working now.

#23525026 Shoppy suggestion

Posted by Lizardo on 29 December 2019 - 01:28 PM in Feedback and Suggestions

So I noticed that some stores have a system that gives sellers automatic feedback from buyers, after 30 days. 
Would be nice if Shoppy had that, and it does make sense. I mean if user don't like product they mostly tend to 
leave negative feedback but if they are satisfied they forget to leave feedback. 

Who thinks that's a good idea? And Finndev what u think. I know it's work to do.. but :)


I have noted your suggestions and will report back to the development team soon.

Can you please elaborate about "traffic overview"?

#23528693 Shoppy suggestion

Posted by Lizardo on 29 December 2019 - 04:37 PM in Feedback and Suggestions

Awesome! Regarding traffic overview, is what selly used to have for free.
Basically like, you can view how many views you get daily - just likes the sales.
You can also view from what locations, and so on. Also a bigger input i know.


Alright, I understand. It was already in my notes.

#27165226 I didn't get my upgrade

Posted by Lizardo on 03 May 2020 - 11:30 AM in Answered

 Hello I have upgraded my account to VIP but have not got an upgrade yet 



Order ID: 91fb4058-50aa-4d6c-b65b-574d0c1485d9


Your transaction was underpaid of a few cents. You should be careful when sending the correct amount in BTC. 

You have received your upgrade, check your account. 


Posted by Lizardo on 14 July 2019 - 12:07 PM in The Lounge

Thank you for your attention.


You deserve my attention :pepolove:

#23498836 HQ Message On

Posted by Lizardo on 28 December 2019 - 11:11 AM in The Lounge


Got this








My message was a courtesy to you since the moment you did not reply to my email back. It was a warning because you were violating ExpressVPN copyright and I was giving you a chance to remove the listed product by yourself.


Posted by Lizardo on 03 May 2020 - 11:26 AM in Answered

I transferred eth money into my wallet, but on the screen it was not received. Please check for me. Thank you!

Order ID: 1530b039-5ffa-42ea-bf4a-2ed2c281a977

Link image


Your transaction has been verified and you have received your upgrade.

#26854428 WTB monthly renewable rdp

Posted by Lizardo on 24 April 2020 - 02:33 PM in Buyers  :wink:

#27504503 Rdp order

Posted by Lizardo on 15 May 2020 - 04:30 PM in The Lounge

Hello guys i'am searching Rdp seller which can sell bulk  i need:

8ram - 4 cpu 

16ram 8 cpu

32ram 16cpu

The internet speed could be 1GBps or 10Gbps 


and i can pay only paypal/credit card 

lmk thanks 


You should check! They have good plans and very fast connection.