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ariadev's Photo
ariadev Grey King



Username Changes:
Joined: 03-05-20
Date of Birth: 12 years old - March 3, 2012
Last Visit: Aug 23 2020 10:20 AM
Profile Views: 3,609


Posts: 136
Leecher Value: 100
Reputation: 9
Warning level: Low
Threads: 20
Credits: 0
Vouches: 0
Trust Scan: Info
Reported posts: 1,000




Last visitors

In Topic: Got rabbits

08 July 2020 - 11:52 AM

i got 2 ages ago cause i was bored also and had fun ....... for a week, and then it got annoying cause they wernt toilet trained so i couldnt let them loose in my house, now they fight each other so they have to be separate, no fun anymore and its a mission trying to get rid of them. 

In Topic: Most scams i have ever encountered in my career

24 June 2020 - 01:58 PM

If you can rebill them and fuck them up isn't it better to keep it the same way and not fuck the other people over some dumb fucks?


How is paying upfront to smeone trust worthy fucking us? I think they were being generous 

In Topic: i just want to go to sleep and never wake up

23 June 2020 - 04:14 PM

everything will come in time man it's okay to be frustrated but don't loose your hope


ALL YoUr LiKeS ArE LeGiT Kappa

In Topic: Why high ranked on nulled , don't give a chance to low ranked ?

23 June 2020 - 04:01 PM

Ranked members are often more trusted, and people doubt of gray members because of their spam and low quality products (Not talking about you but in general)

However, you can still get a free rank at 500 likes, which will also allow you to post in premium sellers


They can post in prem sellers? can they also see hidden content?
