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skywalker certified hood moment



Username Changes:
Joined: 14-04-20
Date of Birth: Age Unknown - Birthday Unknown
Last Visit: Nov 18 2023 05:00 PM
Profile Views: 4,499


Posts: 119
Leecher Value: 48
Reputation: 40
Warning level: Low
Threads: 29
Credits: 0
Vouches: 1
Trust Scan: Info
Reported posts: 6




I do not sell anything. I do not have a public Discord / Telegram. I will never ask anyone for money / refuse any deal via middleman. I will never deny to confirm my identity via PM before any deal. Stay safe, I have impersonators






Last visitors

In Topic: Brother in law Issues-

03 November 2023 - 09:10 PM

How much would it cost? Yes i have his mobile number anf some personal details. I am willing to pay . Where can i find such people?

How much would it cost? I am based in Australia. How would these hackers not get traced by police?

Please help

This could be possible to find on forum, remember once you put a thread to find reputated members and only pay in the end using a middleman (@Lucas is the only one able to provide this)

Using a middleman will ensure that the funds are released only when the task is done, to avoid them running away with the money asap.

to hire, you could post a thread here : https://www.nulled.t...rvice-requests/


For the price, it all depends on them tbfh. but remember use a middleman like @Lucas to avoid getting scammed. do not trust anyone. contact @lucas if you have a deal to make

In Topic: Brother in law Issues-

03 November 2023 - 09:07 PM

How do hackers not get caught. Can i learn this technique here?

TLDR : this requires a lot of skill & a good understanding of coding, malwares etc..

well this is about how you code your malware / virus, this is all about it. You need to have the actual skill to know how it work to then be able to code it.

Once you have the working malware, which require already a good amount of skill, you'd then need to encode it and encrypt to make it possibly undetected.

One other way could be to have a whatsapp 0day / exploit to launch scripts on the other's person phone.

But this is very hard to find, requires a lot of skill and might still not be possible.

In Topic: Brother in law Issues-

03 November 2023 - 12:34 PM

Are able to help me

No, i don't want to be affiliated to any of this. sorry.

In Topic: How to use sb ?

01 November 2023 - 03:59 PM

you can't, i've asked mods to perma ban you :kiss:
