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TRID3NT - R 3 F U N D 3 R -



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Joined: 17-11-19
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03 October 2022 - 01:55 PM

Hello Nulled,


I have a view that I hope to get opinions on from Nulled community and admin/ mod team:


Every service providers (Mostly refund service providers and boxers) have forms or website that customers are expected to fill up with order details which includes sensitive information about customers


I am very against this practice but I see most people are using the form or website method. I understand their reason for same, because the forms really helps managing and organizing tasks. I have worked with forms for few years before I decided to quit it.


I say this, because it is very risky from customers point of view and to my surprise, nobody (including customers) give a care about it. It stays there and it's dangerous.


It is also not very transparent because nobody knows if they get deleted or not!


In any event, if that data is seized or hacked by someone, it can get real, real quick.


My request is


  • If you have any thoughts on this, please share
  • If you agree with me, please take some action and make a norm to not use these forms (G/ cognito or any other third party forms) that is in other word is "GOLDMINE" waiting to be discovered. It can be used for extorting, legal suit and what not depending upon who gets their hands on it


I have solution that comes to my mind but i am not sure about it, but here it goes:


- Have a form service built up by any trustworthy dev from nulled (it should be easy provided there are already services available so it won't have to be built from scratch) with a self destruct feature once order is marked as "complete". I am not sure how hosting these data can be secured but that would be a crucial part.


I hate big G and I see mostly people using G's tools for hosting their (storelist and forms).


Some of you may think I'm crazy or something but I just want to get this out of my system and hear thoughts from community about this.


The good old classic method of keping it to chat on tg (discord too, but it's prone to hacks and I find it data hungry) is good enough but it comes with mess (hard to manage) but one can get used to it.


I hope I am not hurting anybody's belief or anything here with this post, and if it does in anyway, I am asking for your forgiveness. I am sharing this with you all only to get more thoughts on this topic.




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05 July 2022 - 10:41 AM



100% legal


bid ur offers here or click the sig to pm on tg



Unfair rep removal request

04 July 2022 - 12:13 PM

Picture of the rep you are reporting:
Profile of the person you're reporting: https://www.nulled.t...213437-everyone
Explanation of your interaction (brief): The convo.



I heard this from a friend that after neg repping me, this guy went on to SB and used only part of story and tried to convince other members to join him in neg repping me. He also mentioned that I told him to "Fuck off" as a part of his story in SB, something that I never said, not before him using that word at least.  He also showed them only the part of image and conveniently left out my following message which clarified on that, just to make his case. 


If you still think, I am at the fault, I don't mind -4, but I just wanted the clarify what transpired. 


