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User has an open scam report.
ThePharmacist 's Photo
Reason:  Cash Link
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Joined: 28-02-19
Date of Birth: 89 years old - May 13, 1934
Last Visit: Sep 02 2021 09:22 AM
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Discord: ThePharmacist#0412


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Staff Vouched NETFLIX upgrading service here



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In Topic: Scam report against | /2309183-thepharmacist/ | $400

30 May 2021 - 04:58 AM

@thepharmacist reply within 12 hours. 

i have noted on the server warranty until your period ended or method patched

and my method patched and he knows that 


In Topic: Scam report against thepharmacist | user/2309183-thepharmacist | $40.00+

09 April 2021 - 09:13 PM

@lucas oh boy not sure where to start. (read till end)
i was reading the currently opened scam reports as usual,
i took quick look at the screenshots and replies in this report ( i didn't see that there was a gc in the screenshots because as i said, took a quick look at them) then I saw you and @thepharmacist talking about an ALREADY REDEEMED google giftcard( just to clarify, since he said it's already redeemed, redeeming it a 2nd time won't work ,cz you know, it's already redeemed)
now if you're wondering what happened,
i took a 2nd look and found the screenshot with the gc and tried to redeem it (to check what was the error he got, maybe it was a region locked gc),
but i got an error saying it's invalid gc in google play.
so i checked the google play gc format, Now, if you want to redeem a gc on your laptop (from, you can simply copy the code (as provide in the screenshot) without spaces and redeem it;
HOWEVER,if you want to redeem it on your mobile, you have to seperate each 4 characters with a space (xxxx xxxx xxxx ......)
I tried to redeem again and it worked and got the 40$ :ohgod:
reason why i'm posting this, well, simply i'm not a fan of scamming + not posting this will get things worse for both parties in the sr (each one thinking the other party is a liar)

now because of this autist @thepharmacist who didn't know how to redeem a gc,
i ended up with the 40$.

@lucas well as i said above, i'm not a fan of scamming (could've simply redeemed it without saying anything)
what do you think :ohgod:

that's an honest reply from you!
but sorry I can't provide him the service as he is spamming so much and opening a lot of scam reports when I'm busy and other people understand my absence reasons as it's not my decision,
I will replace his under warranty accs for sure 
@Artoria you can give him the money back and thank you very much!
@Lucas I have already replaced one from his accs and the others have wrong pass so i asked him for the new passwords but no reply from his side until now.

In Topic: Scam report against thepharmacist | user/2309183-thepharmacist | $40.00+

09 April 2021 - 04:53 AM

And in 3-4 days you were not able to claim the gift card or tell him you wont take it...?

I had exam and my exams require me to travel to another city and he knows that 

I would get back and take it! 

but seems he claimed it to say that I took it and get a money from me.
he did that and he knows that I didn't take it and he is the one who redeemed the card.

In Topic: Scam report against thepharmacist | user/2309183-thepharmacist | $40.00+

08 April 2021 - 03:37 PM

So basically you saw he sent a code, said nothing about it, then replied and said you still didn’t claim it, which is impossible to verify, and now you’re saying the code was claimed by somebody else because you didn’t do it yourself? Why did you ask him for the code again? What was the point? You already had it before, on the chat, and you had the time to claim it when you asked for it.

I have no way to know you didn’t claim the code.

he sent the code and sent ton of messages I asked again for the code to claim or sell it to start upgrading his order 
he gone out so I gone for my exam you can see that I pinged him as he was late!
when I cam from exam I found this happens, and it isn't "Somebody else" it is him!
