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DiodA New Member



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Joined: 03-09-18
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Last Visit: Jan 06 2024 09:19 AM
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In Topic: Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

15 September 2023 - 12:47 AM

Let me point out a few things.

The links worked fine, the coding to show the links did not. You refused to say the links are not clickable. Instead you say the actual link did not work. When you could not even click the link.

This is not the only place I post my links, so everyone else had no issue elsehwere. But people on here just leech an leave.

Well in YOUR history of IT, I ask you one simple thing. Why did you refuse to say the link is not clickable, as that is the issue. Instead you blamed the link itself that works fine.

No agression at all. But people like you that leech leech leech and never a kiss my A or thank you. Point proven, you got the link, you got the file and no thanks just an aggressive attack.
Well you want to play that game? You know what happens to leechers on this forum? Find out.



I am well past the point of trying to convince a shark, not to eat meat ...

In Topic: Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

13 September 2023 - 08:15 PM

Thank you! <_<

In Topic: Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

13 September 2023 - 08:13 PM

I'm having the same issue



Seems they work for everyone else.

You choose not to say what the issue is, then expect me to know when you do not even say.

Oh? Everyone else?


I find it interesting that you jump to the most aggressive reply and also that you completely ignored "everyone else".


The links are now working as they normally do, maybe you should confirm this with user Xanqu who was also having this issue?


When I say that a link does not work to any person in the history of my time in IT, people understand what that means ... ussually.

In Topic: Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

13 September 2023 - 12:20 AM

Links don't work like they should, tried several browsers.
