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TenLetters Member



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Joined: 10-08-18
Date of Birth: Age Unknown - Birthday Unknown
Last Visit: Feb 06 2024 07:52 AM
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Unfair rep removal

16 February 2023 - 04:29 AM

Picture of the rep you are reporting:
Profile of the person you're reporting: Pithos (https://www.nulled.t.../5124927-pithos)
Explanation of your interaction (brief):


I literally have never interacted with him. It appears that after filing my previous unfair rep removal claim against rekk, he neg repped me. It appears that the two work together and are friends, and since rekk was mad, he had him come neg rep me as well. I tried to message him in private but he didn't respond. 





He responded and blatantly admitted to being coaxed my Rekk to leave false feedback

Unfair rep removal

15 February 2023 - 05:57 PM

Picture of the rep you are reporting:

Profile of the person you're reporting: rekk (
Explanation of your interaction (brief):


Rekk failed a refund of mine due to ghosting me for a week. While I was given initial instruction as to how to start the refund process, when a complication arose, he completely stopped responding to me for over a week. I messaged him repeatedly, but I got no response. The case was eventually closed and ruled in the company's favor and I was stuck with an item I could not return and costing me $350. I messaged him about this repeatedly, and once again, he ignored it with no response. Because of this interaction, I gave rekk negative rep. Within a minute, he gave me a negative rep back simply saying "time waster".


Looking into other rep on his profile, it appears he has done the same thing to every other user giving him negative reputation for failed refunds, as seen here, here, and here. These are just the most glaring instances I saw, but visiting his page, you can see many, many more. I would greatly appreciate if my negative rep on my profile was removed, and I would recommend the negative rep of those mentioned individuals he wronged are also removed. He clearly abuses the reputation system regularly out of retribution and to prevent anyone else from warning his would-be customers from his outrageously poor service.
