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Naturare Veteran



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Date of Birth: 25 years old - October 23, 1998
Last Visit: Mar 19 2024 09:10 PM
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Please stop adding my discord for nothing/fitbit services.

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  • 1

#12775020 Shitcash URL warning when posting a thread

Posted by Naturare on 11 August 2018 - 07:36 PM

Something like this



Sure there will still be faggots doing it but some greys don't know about the rule and use it in order to gain a few cents after a couple of years Kappa and they don't know their acc can get terminated - this could help

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#12715728 Scam report against | 1618351-vip010 | $30 USD

Posted by Naturare on 08 August 2018 - 03:24 AM

wow just wow hard proof right there lmfao please get the fuck out u have no idea what u talking about i sold to over 8 ppl here and i can tell them to pm u and tell u that iam not a scammer u fucking retard

wow you are so alpha i SoLd tO oVeR 8 ppL hErE aNd i CaN TeLL tHeM tO pM U aNd TelL u tHaT IaM nOt A sCaMmEr U FuCkiNg rEtArD








hArD pRooF riGhT ThErE LmFaO PlEaSe GeT ThE fUcK oUt u HaVe nO iDea WhAt U tAlKinG aBoUt



  • 1

#12714029 Scam report against | 1618351-vip010 | $30 USD

Posted by Naturare on 08 August 2018 - 01:04 AM

XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD what the fuck do I have to do in this @vip010 ?

VIP010, on 07 Aug 2018 - 7:26 PM, said:
i believe he is Christiancrackr real user name and he is using Christiancrackr username just in case or he might be hes friend but he is mad for some reason and i never interacted with him before hope i have not confused u

what kind of fuckery is this 

  • 2

#12687459 [question] How many times can i se fitbit to the same address?

Posted by Naturare on 06 August 2018 - 05:49 PM


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#12676452 Atlas Fitness Tracker SE - ADVANCED

Posted by Naturare on 06 August 2018 - 01:12 AM

This is gold.

  • 1

#12568171 Bleach needs to see this...

Posted by Naturare on 30 July 2018 - 09:31 PM

Lets eat some Nulled bananas

nulled bananas be like



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#12567588 Bleach needs to see this...

Posted by Naturare on 30 July 2018 - 08:58 PM



What do you think the lounge is for? 


 Sense of humor not found,  :??: Hanuman ate it... 


Go eat some banana and try finding a humor behind this post...

so confused again, what does bananas have to do with your autism?

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#12563660 Scam report against | user/674261-H4ppy | 8€

Posted by Naturare on 30 July 2018 - 04:50 PM

@H4ppy is one of the best guys here, he would never scam or bully anyone who doesnt deserve dont waste the freetime of the staff here with that shit

First of all, why are you posting? Second of all, look at the facts.

  • 1

#12546479 Earn from making the forum a better place

Posted by Naturare on 29 July 2018 - 04:36 PM

So, here's my idea.
Basically, when you report people, you get nothing, right? Here's the thing. Reporting rule breaking posts/profiles is a major part of Nulled, without it the forum would be a straight up tumor and everyone would have left a long time ago. However, I feel like the rewards for reporting constantly need to be stepped up. The spam fighter award was a good idea for 1,000 reported posts, until people started spamming for it and since the change of the rules, only one has been given, although I'm sure a lot of us are reporting. Why is that? Simply because it's hard to keep track of who reports constantly. Long explanation short, we need more rewards.
And here is where my suggestion comes handy.
I suggest you award credits for successfully reported members.
For example, every time you report 20 members successfully (your report results in a warning point/ban/hidden post, and all punishments staff can give), you get 1 credit.
So 20 successful reports = ~$1 BTC = 200 reports = ~$8 BTC (resold in marketplace) ---> earning by reporting.
However, for this to work, we also need some counter earning.
For example, every time you mis-report a post/profile (spam report, stupid reason, bad behavior/intentions when reporting (not because you weren't sure and you just reported it incase)), you'd lose one credit.
You shouldn't lose one credit every time you just report because you're not sure whether it's a broken rule or not. It should only be done when people are doing things like reporting every single grey in one thread to get alot of reports (in which case they would become all invalid and OR (original reposter) gets a credit removed from his balance.
So, there's still a few things I need to mention.
First of all, there should be in the Moderator CP something which prevents multiple reports on one profile/post. For instance, if I report @troy for being tunisian, and so does @doge, then if I reported him first, my report will go through, and when Doge tries, it will say something like
This thing would considerably reduce the amount of reports for Staff. You may think yes but what if person a ) reported it for sales trashing and person b ) reported it for spamming? (example) Sure, but Staff can see it's both if it is. Summary: some kind of database of reports which only allows people to be in it once.
Another important thing: If members reach negative credits (right when you hit -1), a shoppy payment should pop every time he does something and he has to pay finn the price for the amount of credits he's down. Basically a suspension until you pay the credits you need.
For instance.
I am at 20 credits from reporting 400 members, and I sell the 20 all in one. Then, I forget about my own suggestion ( :uuh: ) and I report someone for being a nigger, and I get a -1 (which gets decided by the staff member handling the reports). Then, if I refresh, and get this sjYjTFe.png
Every time I refresh, trying to do something (must remove the X to make it unremovable, like a suspension)
Another suggestion: I think that if we implement this suggestion, we should give out 5 credits to everyone in the forum, so they have a base to start off with. This would help people not start being in negative because they didn't understand the system properly or they get a friend trolling on their PC, whatever.
This would all in all get a better economy for Nulled, as people would have more money to spend (upgrades maybe ;) ), there would be more topics highlighted/pinned and the marketplace would be healthier. You may start thinking: yes but there will be too many pins lmao. Well, look at it that way. For 40 credits, you'd need to be the first report 800 members successfully which may take quite some time. All in all, it would be improving the forum in general + the marketplace, seems good to me.
People can earn -> they want to earn -> they report -> staff handle the reports -> cleaner forum -> people earned -> spend on marketplace -> healthier marketplace
People will have money -> they can a ) sell the credits or b ) pin their shit // a ) -> could be profit for finn b ) -> healthier marketplace
Hanooman :smug:

  • 4

#12519979 remove rep system

Posted by Naturare on 27 July 2018 - 11:05 PM

why are you posting such retarded suggestions?

Why are you shittalking all day like a retard without being able to hold arguments nor explain them?
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