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Private Trading of your Capital (500%+ ROI w/ proof)

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Private Trading of your Capital (500%+ ROI w/ proof)




Posts: 1
Threads: 1
Joined: Mar 19, 2019
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Five years registered

I've spent many years in the markets, trading primarily FX and Crypto as of recently. Currently looking to speak with someone that would be interested in having their capital traded for them with a share of profits. I don't currently have the required amount of capital to switch to trading full time and am looking for people to be able to provide the means for me to do so (I have a well developed, profitable trading strategy, with loads of proof in regard to past trades and results/perfomance) Have had consistent 500%+ ROIs with past clients.

There are ways that you can have your capital traded by me as well without needing to offer me any sort of control over the money (though I would be requesting a payout of my profits weekly in this case). If you're interested and would like to discuss this further, please shoot me a PM with your preferred method of communication.

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