Hey guys, I've been looking around on the forum for quite some time for some decent quality combos (namely gaming combos), but everything seems to be pretty dogshit in terms of hits.
How do you get quality combos or where do you guys recommend purchasing quality private combos?
How do you get quality combos?
Posted 23 February 2022 - 08:41 PM
Posted 26 February 2022 - 10:45 AM
Best quality combolists are made from extracted Databses from hacked websites or similar services.
You can start with the most basic way of doing this with some of the automated SQLi tools, a vaery famous one and widely available for free is SQLi Dumper. Later on you can move on to more advanced ways of doing this.
Posted 12 March 2022 - 12:45 PM
I am also wondering, I've tried sqli dumper, using combos from other people but they seem all dogshit aswell, I hope someone helps out with this!
Don't use SQL Dumper. Even if you would get good combos you would get trash hits with sqli dumper
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