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Reputation Report for khakjdsfkjash

Summary Reputation pie chart
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 0 0 0
Last 6 months 0 0 0
All Time 237 24 -12
aravas ( 15 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): trusted. bought many accs
Goca ( 356 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): Trusted guy
Gyomei ( 196 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): fast deal
Aekuz ( 43 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): One of the best sellers I have ever dealt with, really humble and kind
Speedypapa ( 511 ) - Given 5 years ago

Positive (+2): Smooth exchange thanks to him
( 0 ) - Given 5 years ago

Negative (-2): <3
Jaruk ( 117 ) - Given 5 years ago - Last updated 5 years ago

Positive (+2): Sold me cp
raizell ( 3 ) - Given 5 years ago - Last updated 5 years ago

Neutral (0): Thanks for the sentry mba configs!
GrandWizard ( 42 ) - Given 5 years ago

Negative (-2): Absolute tard
Patryss ( 30 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+1): Good Seller!
Zoom ( 785 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+3): Wigger bonde
THEMIGHTYTHOR ( 55 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): Rep4rep
itsha ( 40 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+1): hit me back with the no u
Penis ( 1207 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): smoot as exchange :smug:
ZaidaTheEwhore ( 2 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): Loyal hoe <3
Sy6 ( 45 ) - Given 6 years ago - Last updated 6 years ago

Positive (+2): Hands Down most HQ member in this forum
SKKRAY ( 85 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): ILU <3 and you call me that? :pepe:
bagwis ( 48 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): beakinglove
dofus2raed ( -2 ) - Given 6 years ago

Neutral (0): Good and trusted seller and cracker you are the best 💗
NHYTGB ( 131 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): ????