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Reputation Report for OksaAFK

Summary Reputation pie chart
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 0 0 0
Last 6 months 0 0 0
All Time 253 3 -2
Magilp ( 298 ) - Given 3 years ago

Positive (+3): name buddy :pepo:
MlCHAELSCOTT ( 124 ) - Given 3 years ago

Positive (+3): No comment given.
gonark ( 30 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): TOP RATED USER
Schaapie01 ( 54 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): Great guy, gave me feedback on my first program :)
3RWfhpggSjErAj ( 63 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+3): Smooth Exchange
HopeGod ( 774 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): :)
CRAWLER ( 183 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): HQ member
VRX ( 572 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+3): Smooth deal.
Detergent ( 100 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): Cheers for the, helped me out a ton on a project <3
Rico ( 584 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+3): :pepolove:
Denmark ( 91 ) - Given 4 years ago - Last updated 4 years ago

Positive (+1): helped me fix my linux problem :pepolove:
Levathian ( 248 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+4): smooth deal
jonnyx3 ( 235 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+3): ++
ND03 ( 340 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+3): nice guy!
EmazingSM ( 54 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): Vouch bought a valorant account :)
miligrmi ( 208 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): love that fat ass :wub:
hurt ( 152 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): marry me
TheLegendBROLY ( 453 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+3): WHY ARE U BEAUTIFUL :pepolove: 350euro exchange
MKI ( 49 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): Friendly guy, good service
Clapel ( 137 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): HQ Member :ez: