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Reputation Report for D0minik

Summary Reputation pie chart
(Friendly PS Guy)
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 0 0 0
Last 6 months 0 0 0
All Time 190 8 0
Porsche911 ( 109 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+3): Friendly, patient. Can do nothing then recommend!
DaRob2 ( 50 ) - Given 2 years ago

Positive (+2): Very very very friendly
Penis313 ( 199 ) - Given 2 years ago

Positive (+2): Good customer!
Okarun ( 410 ) - Given 2 years ago

Positive (+3): Giveaway winner :)
Payrozza ( 874 ) - Given 3 years ago

Positive (+3): Friendly Person :)
KINGuNet ( 56 ) - Given 3 years ago

Positive (+2): Trust member++
CurtisFL ( 7 ) - Given 3 years ago

Positive (+3): Nice and fast
Regorce ( 837 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+3): Friendly Guy :pepolove:
TimHortons ( 304 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): Thanks for the purchase! :pepolove:
USA ( 168 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): Friendly guy
Thomas ( 47 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+3): No comment given.
ViniciusJR ( 71 ) - Given 4 years ago

YungHurn ( 479 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+3): Hungry fella over here
LilLeech ( 101 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): nice contact, don't hesitate dealing with him! :wub:
Solidify ( 197 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): Smooth Guy
Santner ( 15 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): best ps out there, friendly guy
IpProxies ( 307 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): HQ Guy Kappa
VACSURE ( 4 ) - Given 4 years ago - Last updated 4 years ago

Neutral (0): Friendly guy like he says in his title
brightthrob ( 10 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): great guy and a greater PS service
NightSky4 ( 42 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+3): I had a great time talking with you. Great service as well.