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Reputation Report for Miro

Summary Reputation pie chart
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 0 0 0
Last 6 months 2 0 0
All Time 1031 69 -7
Indo ( 135 ) - Given 1 month ago

Positive (+2): dm @miro for help
VValentino ( -5 ) - Given 6 months ago

Positive (+3): funny
JImineutron ( 123 ) - Given 7 months ago

Positive (+3): friendly and also knows what he's doing =)
FNFA ( 251 ) - Given 8 months ago

Positive (+3): Well he visited again
Yakuza ( 117 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+3): Welcome back, nice to see you around!
PaulieDes ( 7 ) - Given 1 year ago - Last updated 1 year ago

Neutral (0): No comment given.
Batman ( 231 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+1): 1010 reps :mugshot:
Fresh ( 152 ) - Given 1 year ago

Neutral (0): ty for likes bbg take +0 u hq asf :pepo:
PRESTIGExMONEY ( 19 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+2): Gave my mom job
Dragony ( 546 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+3): gave me a free kiss :kiss:
needHUG ( 128 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+3): thanks for the credit :pepolove:
thegeespot ( 0 ) - Given 1 year ago

Neutral (0): :miro:
Yedeme ( 1 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+2): No comment given.
NegativeS ( 3 ) - Given 1 year ago

Neutral (0): 1k reputation congratulations!
JaackSparrow ( 216 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+2): Old miro :sadge:
Ziak ( 151 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+3): VOUCHED Hello i'm @Miro i bum the thread on the beach for real ! I can bump your thread either on the bitch either on the beach now doing se on the beach
HarveyRSpecter ( 30 ) - Given 2 years ago

Positive (+3): CSGO bro
Tarzan ( 68 ) - Given 2 years ago

Positive (+2): don't destroy me pls :ohgod:
pdr ( 155 ) - Given 2 years ago

Positive (+2): shares the same hate for sweden
michaelwesten ( 104 ) - Given 2 years ago

Positive (+3): HQ User!