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Reputation Report for NotJiren

Summary Reputation pie chart
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 0 0 0
Last 6 months 0 0 0
All Time 11 2 -10
Lord ( 311 ) - Given 1 year ago

Negative (-2): scammer
Batman ( 231 ) - Given 1 year ago - Last updated 1 year ago

Negative (-2): why scam :ohgod:
222kkk222 ( 28 ) - Given 1 year ago - Last updated 1 year ago

Negative (-2): ---------------
AnXiezY ( 538 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+2): who's multi is you
Tracks ( 47 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+2): Known him for 5 minutes and can tell he has money on his mind, a man after my heart
DratLoodi ( 384 ) - Given 1 year ago - Last updated 1 year ago

Negative (-2): .
bblazeit420 ( 71 ) - Given 1 year ago - Last updated 1 year ago

Negative (-2): ill schmoke you on chess anytime lil bro - Edit : dumbfuck scammed
JaackSparrow ( 216 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+2): Sorry, but i love GOKU
AvengedBummer ( 106 ) - Given 1 year ago - Last updated 1 year ago

Neutral (0): Whomp womp
ManoFSadness ( 313 ) - Given 1 year ago - Last updated 1 year ago

Neutral (0): No comment given.
SaliBerisha ( 200 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+2): balkan gang
JuanitoSanchez ( 223 ) - Given 1 year ago

Positive (+3): I am drunk and wanted to slide in your dms but didn't know how and was/am insecure.