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Reputation Report for pruned_9437597

Summary Reputation pie chart
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 0 0 0
Last 6 months 0 0 0
All Time 115 7 -5
Doge ( 476 ) - Given 7 years ago

Positive (+2): :pepo: nice to meet you
pruned_63476654 ( 82 ) - Given 7 years ago

Positive (+2): :)
pruned_39410800 ( 66 ) - Given 7 years ago

Positive (+2): smooth exchange
Wiinz ( 43 ) - Given 7 years ago

Positive (+1): :)
Office ( 86 ) - Given 7 years ago

Positive (+2): skrktktkskkrktk gang gangggg
Veterun ( 281 ) - Given 7 years ago

Positive (+2): auschwitz
Teken ( 306 ) - Given 7 years ago

Positive (+2): Gambling :jew:
RobertDeNiro ( 163 ) - Given 7 years ago

Positive (+2): No comment given.
darkvampy ( 18 ) - Given 7 years ago

Neutral (0): --- fucking toxic retard.
BluePleb ( 65 ) - Given 7 years ago

Positive (+2): No comment given.
pruned_15631227 ( 2 ) - Given 8 years ago

Negative (-1): shitcunt.
plrnmdjd ( 20 ) - Given 8 years ago

Positive (+1): quality youtube tutorials thanks master
pruned_22870150 ( 6 ) - Given 8 years ago - Last updated 8 years ago

Positive (+2): swen
( 0 ) - Given 8 years ago

Positive (+3): No comment given.
JellyFish ( 262 ) - Given 8 years ago

Positive (+2): Bought vcc from him, good and fast deal :jew:
pruned_10673478 ( 18 ) - Given 8 years ago

Positive (+1): rep4rep :pepo:
karlthek ( 150 ) - Given 8 years ago

Positive (+2): ok
pruned_24768445 ( 12 ) - Given 8 years ago

Positive (+1): Nice guy and a good seller :D
s3rg3 ( 3 ) - Given 8 years ago

Positive (+1): great and friendly seller
Empusa ( 18 ) - Given 8 years ago

Neutral (0): Kind guy ! HQ member