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There have been 2 items by EloHellzaeae (Search limited from Sep 09, 2023)

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#42700589 (RELEASE) LeveL UP BOT in Python + Website (Undetected)

Posted by EloHellzaeae on 21 May 2023 - 08:13 PM in League of Legends



Because bot can manage multiple accounts in database, if you have 100 accounts in database, the bot will log in, the highest possible and lower than level 30. With xampp, when option "Apache and Mysql" is online, your website will be online. you can see the website in any browser in your computer with website link:
The htdocs folder is the file of the website stuff.

With the website you can see the lastest game of every account registered in database in "Estoque" and  you can register new accounts to level up in "Cadastrar"

But if you want, you can login in a random account and put "Stay log in" so the bot will never change the account.

can you make a video and upload it to discord?

#42681739 (RELEASE) LeveL UP BOT in Python + Website (Undetected)

Posted by EloHellzaeae on 19 May 2023 - 10:01 PM in League of Legends

First install xampp and python

1. Replace htdocs in C:\xampp (htdocs is the folder that contain the website)

2. Make a database in phpmyadmin ( with name: contas (Go to your browser and use the link

3. Import my contas.sql to your database contas (Go to the database that you made name: contas) and click in import and import the file contas.sql

4. Go to your browser,

You can see the registered accounts in "Estoque"

You can register accounts in "Cadastrar" or in

5. Open Installer.bat to install python libraries

I forget one thing: Open CMD and put this: pip install mysql-connector-python

6. Open Launcher.bat and the bot will starts

7. Almost forget: Change the ip of database in to or localhost

I'm sorry but I myself don't understand the principle, what's the point of setting up accounts automatically? And do you have to create league of legends accounts to mount them and I didn't understand the (htdocs in C:\xampp, browser which browser? ("Estoque" "Cadastrar" or in /phpmyadmin ) it will be really better to make a video if you want! pls
I would really like to have the technique to set up lvl 30 accounts because I pay every time I'm fed up help me!