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There have been 71 items by Skies (Search limited from Sep 22, 2023)

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#43645491 Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

Posted by Skies on 23 August 2023 - 10:00 PM in World of Warcraft

Sorry guys i was wrong!

Zygor stated that Version 1.1.29489 was primarily bug fixes with just a little bit of the HC work in it. Main HC work will be out tomorrow when the servers come up.

Well the changelog said nothing about the HC content being added.

#43683740 Joanas Guides

Posted by Skies on 27 August 2023 - 04:20 PM in World of Warcraft

Joanas Guides Era Classic 1-60

To be fixed as the Dev demands people pay for updates

#43705034 Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

Posted by Skies on 29 August 2023 - 06:47 PM in World of Warcraft

thanx hope it works

Why would I post it if it did not work?

#43711907 Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

Posted by Skies on 30 August 2023 - 12:20 PM in World of Warcraft

Thanks for all your work keeping it updated.


4.5.18-era-hc-classic-retail link is currently not working.


#43720498 Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

Posted by Skies on 31 August 2023 - 08:38 AM in World of Warcraft

didnt mean it like that its just some of the other zygor addons here dont work anymore :) ty for the share it works

Well I took it as you said it.
Others do not work because they are not updated, as anyone can see that the post was not edited in years.
Or the person that posted it, did not disable anything.

#43782026 Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

Posted by Skies on 06 September 2023 - 10:50 PM in World of Warcraft

link for the new RXP?

What do you mean new link? No thanks no nothing, just want a new link?

#43846618 Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

Posted by Skies on 13 September 2023 - 07:27 PM in World of Warcraft

Links don't work like they should, tried several browsers.

Seems they work for everyone else.

You choose not to say what the issue is, then expect me to know when you do not even say.

#43846623 CLEANEST Dragonflight WoW UI ★ FREE WeakAuras & ElvUI ★ ALL Classes

Posted by Skies on 13 September 2023 - 07:27 PM in World of Warcraft

Hey @Skies!


Do you have chance to update the links please?



What links are broken?

#43848521 Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

Posted by Skies on 13 September 2023 - 11:04 PM in World of Warcraft

Oh? Everyone else?


I find it interesting that you jump to the most aggressive reply and also that you completely ignored "everyone else".


The links are now working as they normally do, maybe you should confirm this with user Xanqu who was also having this issue?


When I say that a link does not work to any person in the history of my time in IT, people understand what that means ... ussually.


Let me point out a few things.

The links worked fine, the coding to show the links did not. You refused to say the links are not clickable. Instead you say the actual link did not work. When you could not even click the link.

This is not the only place I post my links, so everyone else had no issue elsehwere. But people on here just leech an leave.

Well in YOUR history of IT, I ask you one simple thing. Why did you refuse to say the link is not clickable, as that is the issue. Instead you blamed the link itself that works fine.

No agression at all. But people like you that leech leech leech and never a kiss my A or thank you. Point proven, you got the link, you got the file and no thanks just an aggressive attack.
Well you want to play that game? You know what happens to leechers on this forum? Find out.

#43856926 CLEANEST Dragonflight WoW UI ★ FREE WeakAuras & ElvUI ★ ALL Classes

Posted by Skies on 14 September 2023 - 08:54 PM in World of Warcraft

RIP all links down

Well that is what happens when people leech it.

I will have to do it when I get time, as I get nothing for my time used. Just people leeching, taking.

#43860692 Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

Posted by Skies on 15 September 2023 - 08:38 AM in World of Warcraft

I am well past the point of trying to convince a shark, not to eat meat ...


Again relateable. As long as you can get what you want. You do not care the time and efffort it takes.
Never had thje sense to say the link was not clickable. Instead blames the link. When people with no IT experience said the link was not clickable.
So clearly they knew more than you did.

#43941816 Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

Posted by Skies on 23 September 2023 - 09:39 PM in World of Warcraft

Could someone please tell me what to do once i have the file downloaded? How do i get it to work?

Extract it and install it like any other addon.

#43945350 Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

Posted by Skies on 24 September 2023 - 08:35 AM in World of Warcraft

Ty for replying, I have never added an addon before. Do I get something to unzip the file and add it to the game files somewhere?

How to Install WoW Addons

Use 7zip to extract it.

#43949292 How do i use an extracted file?

Posted by Skies on 24 September 2023 - 06:09 PM in World of Warcraft

I got the file downloaded for RXP guides but I'm not sure how to add it to my game files to get the guide to show up. This is my first time doing so I'm a little lost. Any help would be appreciated. 

You got the file from my thread.

So why did you not reply to the thread and instead make a new thread to ask the same thing?
I even replied to you in the thread.

You extract it with 7zip and install to the addons folder.

#43950044 Zygor Addon RéstédXP Addon

Posted by Skies on 24 September 2023 - 07:44 PM in World of Warcraft

ty hope it works

Yes it does why would it not?