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There have been 47 items by yoshimario69 (Search limited from Jul 28, 2023)

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#33174526 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 04 April 2021 - 07:15 PM in Products

The service will no longer operate with

#32762264 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 01 March 2021 - 09:45 AM in Products


#32749764 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 28 February 2021 - 01:15 PM in Products

bump, the service is open

#30723312 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 30 October 2020 - 08:23 PM in Products

The service is open



Also will be a Hallowen Event here.

#30674805 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 27 October 2020 - 07:08 PM in Products

The service is still open. bump

#30648268 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 26 October 2020 - 02:11 PM in Products

service is open 

#30630023 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 25 October 2020 - 11:12 AM in Products

The service will be open soon, be prepared  :wub:

#30475261 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 16 October 2020 - 03:59 PM in Products

i need cod cold war :P

can't do preorder games.

#30468484 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 16 October 2020 - 03:21 AM in Products

The service is open.  :wub: 

#30438441 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 14 October 2020 - 02:51 PM in Products

Very soon the service will be open for new buyers !!!

#30343198 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 09 October 2020 - 12:11 PM in Products

u did gift card ? 

i want razer top up 

Nope. only games.

#30333731 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 08 October 2020 - 09:27 PM in Products

Well, thank you for posting screenshots showing that I’ve been kind at all times and that I’ve always tried to solve the situation in a friendly way. And again, I’ve never called your service trash.


Okey, how u want. 


This is not a discution thread. Have a nice day.

#30333047 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 08 October 2020 - 08:37 PM in Products

Never cried, here it's just you not being able to accept a negative feedback. Good luck with sales! ;)

So w

#30327442 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 08 October 2020 - 01:46 PM in Products

-1 Negative feedback - He has blacklisted me because at night time I've kindly asked him not to ping/tag me on Discord. By 'kindly' I mean that I've used 'Please' multiple times all over the discord ticket and via PMs, but he got offended for some reason and blocked me from using his service out of the blue.
He has also stated that I've tried to use my community position to gain 'special privileges', when in reality I've never asked to be treated any differently, nor to have discounts of any kind.
When I've placed my order, I've paid the full amount going first.
I've tried to friendly solve the misunderstanding but they didn't consider any solution.
With all of that said, I want to be completely honest and I will add that he offers really cheap prices and short waiting times in order to get the games.

First of all, you started the ticket saying ( im staff on nulled ) you could just give your profile link and doesn’t mention that. you paid first like all users that are not verified ( i dont understand what you are saying with *i ve paid first* ). You received your games in 3 days, i said to you to activate the gift ones until 28 September, but you returned at me saying that one is not working, even that i refunded you half amount, because that what was we negotiated. After that i gave you the games i waited a day to get a feedback, i tagged you to get a feedback and you said ( ""It’s weekend time please don’t ping me"" ). but u tagged me many times asking me about the games, and im not allowed to tag you to get a fcking feedback. My friend said “u tagged us when u wanted the games, but when we want a feedback we cant” and you just started to be a child and writing things like “hahahaha”, “very funny”, “:))))))”. You begin to disrespect us and I blacklisted you. You said also that my service is trash, so why now u begging me in pms to unblacklist you? You are so sweet when u lie, and thinking that u owns the world :D

#30314859 closed

Posted by yoshimario69 on 07 October 2020 - 07:17 PM in Products

The service is open for few days.