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There have been 7 items by Jason (Search limited from Jul 28, 2023)

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#45455040 Regarding Shoutbox Downtime

Posted by Jason on 10 April 2024 - 01:25 AM in Announcements

Hello Members,


We are making this thread to let you know that we are aware regarding the shoutbox issue and we have already alerted the relevant people to resolve the issue at hand.


We estimate the timeframe of the downtime to be 8-10 hours.


We are sorry for the inconvenience.



Nulled Administration.

#44465689 Nulled Community Poll - New Rank Style

Posted by Jason on 22 November 2023 - 09:11 PM in Announcements

Hello Nulled,


As you all know, we have been working on creating a new achievable rank for the community that will both show off your contributions and at the same time allow you to show off your fancy rank as well.


We have created 3 samples of UserBars and 3 samples of UserGroup styles that you can vote on. We have decided to go all out on this rank as we want to show our appreciation to our contributing members, that have been helping out the community for years in the past and for years to come.


Regardless of the state of this community poll, we welcome any feedbacks that you may have in terms of designs for the usergroup.


We plan on releasing this rank on the second week of December. The requirements for the rank as discussed previously on the last community poll are going to be 7000 Likes, 400 Reputation and at least 2 years of registration time.


Now here are some previews of the userbars along with the usergroup styles:

UserBar 1 - Style 1



UserBar 1 - Style 2



UserBar 1 - Style 3




UserBar 2 - Style 1



UserBar 2 - Style 2



UserBar 2 - Style 3



UserBar 3 - Style 1



UserBar 3 - Style 2



UserBar 3 - Style 3




#44404481 Nulled Community Poll - New Rank + Changes

Posted by Jason on 15 November 2023 - 02:19 PM in Announcements

Dear Users,


Thank you for your feedback. We are currently designing the user group and plan to open a thread for voting on the style and user bar within 7 days. We aim to launch this user group by the second week of December. Your input is vital to our progress.

#43770364 Trial Moderator Applications 2023

Posted by Jason on 05 September 2023 - 04:51 PM in Announcements

Hello Nulled Members,
Due to recent events we have decided to seek a few more helping hands to maintain the forum.
Since Nulled is a large community that's especially growing rapidly, we require additional assistance for our current staff team.
We are currently looking for members that will be promoted to the Trial Moderator position, who need to help us maintain peace on the forum and help it grow even more.
In order to be considered for this position, you will need to make an application and we will pick TWO (2) applicants to be promoted.
What we primarily are looking for:

  • A Trial Moderator who is able to dedicate a decent amount of time to on a daily basis to assist users, enforce the rules and especially handle daily reports. You should be able to dedicate at least 30-60 minutes daily to solve forum reports.
  • A friendly, approachable Trial Moderator able to deal with basic Moderation duties using their own initiative

The specific duties and requirements that a Trial Moderator is required to fulfill are the following:

  • Find spammers / leechers / multis
  • Maintain peace and order in the shoutbox
  • You have to be mature and handle situations professionally
  • You must be good at making unbiased decisions
  • You must treat each member equally

Please send the application to @Jocker through a PM. You may upload PDF documents through We-Transfer if needed.
You only have until the deadline below to submit your applications, keep in mind it doesn't matter whether you are the first or the last applicant, all the applications will be read and put into consideration.
Please put some time into making the application as this will show all a lot about yourself and what you are capable to do.
When messaging him make sure that the subject is "Trial Moderator Application" (people that fail to do this will be ignored)!
Deadline: 19-09-2023 11:59 PM CET
Nulled Administration

#42908556 Nulled Community Poll - Like Changes

Posted by Jason on 12 June 2023 - 01:35 AM in Announcements

Hello Members,


We are making this community poll in order to hear your opinion on a matter that has been suggested plenty of times before and that we believe that this would help the forum's activity move onto different things.


The suggestions is to remove Likes on certain sections that are linked to Porn in order to boost other categories.


Please vote seriously!



Nulled Administration.

#42908543 Nulled Community Poll - New Rank + Changes

Posted by Jason on 12 June 2023 - 01:33 AM in Announcements

Hello Nulled,


We have been going through all of the suggestions that have been suggested from you and we have decided to push some of those on community polls in order to see what the community decides.


As we move on forwards we will be hosting more of these to see what our members want to change and work along with the community on features.


This community poll will be specific to a new achievable rank that people have requested, so we can give more incentives for people to start posting more quality stuff once more.


We have come up with some names that were suggested for the new rank and we would like to hear your opinion on them. Please vote on the most suitable name that you think this rank should have.


Some of the suggested requirements by our Staff Team for the new rank are 7000 Likes, 400 Reputation and at least 2 years of Registration Time. (This can also be changed so let us know what you guys think about the requirements and what do you think they should be)


Some other things that we will be working on is as you guys all know the new Theme revamp of Nulled which is already on the works along with another idea that people have requested the removal of Likes on certain section like Thothub which you will guys will be able to move if you want us to move forward with it.


The link for the Second Community Poll regarding the removal of Likes on those sections is:  https://www.nulled.t...l-like-changes/


We would appreciate if you took your time to vote on those, while more polls will be coming in order to better understand what the community wants.


Moreover, we will be updating the thread regarding Estimated Timeline for the completion of the Theme in about a week along with the Auction House release.

Here are some sneak peaks from the Theme that is under development along with the Auction House System that will be released:






Auction House Sneak Peaks:






Nulled Administration.

#42536056 Revival of Nulled - Come VOTE!

Posted by Jason on 05 May 2023 - 12:23 PM in The Lounge

I think we have done a lot for past 2 years on a software that doesn't have much support or developers, we are currently working on new theme but a lot of promises were delivered, essentially all features planned for the v4 were delivered except for the theme which is still under work and should be finished within 60 days so we can move to the testing process (auction house is ready but failed the security testing hence the delay).

However, you are not understanding the fact that features don't create activity on a forum, its content matters and I don't think community is playing its role there. People are posting porn and essentially using the marketplace for their personal financial gains.

Maybe throw in ideas how the content can be improved or maybe old users can take this responsibility and dedicate their time to content other than porn.