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There have been 19 items by Judyy (Search limited from Jul 28, 2023)

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#42942347 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 15 June 2023 - 07:36 AM in Solved

How would an impersonator link an image that has his exact profile details on our site and additionally explain the same issue. We have plenty of site logs that completely contradict what's being said, much of which I've provided.

I understand your reasoning, but it doesn't match up with what was found through our logs and investigation of this matter.

Additionally, this whole report could be disregarded by the fact that after further investigation, this user was reselling our Datacenter proxy product which we prohibit and will terminate users that perform these sort of actions. We have a no refund policy for users that use our proxies for prohibited use cases. Reselling is only permitted for our ISP proxy product.

Image showing user reselling (refer to 2nd message):


If you disagree, feel free to ban my profile. No hard feelings.

cos i posted it ogu days before on ogu??? are u fucking dumb?? also i never resold ur proxies wtf u talking about lmfaoo and trust me u will get banned across all platforms and fourms for this shit u fucking scumbag next is cto and bhw and all the others great way of ruining ur rep and business over a hunnit dollar really great job KEKW

#42940888 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 15 June 2023 - 02:21 AM in Solved

instead of doing all that fucking disgusting attempts and ruin ur fucking business and rep over a 135$ just do the fucking right thing and refund my fucking money u absolute fucking parasite  

#42940847 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 15 June 2023 - 02:16 AM in Solved

(JUNE 9) (JUNE 11) (JUNE 12) < the same day he decided to make that report on cto after the admin told him to refund me  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh: also here claiming that he don't have a nulled profile its pretty clear who's fucking disgusting and a scammer here

#42940772 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 15 June 2023 - 02:05 AM in Solved

Correct. Please refer to this report
You can see the screenshot provided in that report is the exact same details this user has provided. Additionally, they've posted the matching crypto addresses.
In the event the user deletes the messages from the provided URL, I have taken screenshots (please see below).

Image of URL page:
Image user provided on that URL page:

You're likely going to get the response from the user saying it's not them, although I've provided plenty of evidence suggesting otherwise.

@Lucas please make a final verdict with the information you've received so far. I have no intentions of refunding this user that's upset for more than they spent just because they are opening multiple reports across forums. If you must ban me because I have not provided sufficient evidence, then please do so. I have some dignity and am not forking up money to people that are essentially trying to scam us, just to save my profile.

Edit: Please note the user clearly mentioned they've been refunded on the URL linked.

wtf? are u braindead? check the posts i made i never posted that address ANYWHERE the user u claimed is me made the acc 1 day later after i posted the proofs and images on ogu he or should i say u or ur raciest "ads guy" made he copied every single word i posted except he changed the wallet address u can see all the dates and someone with 10 iq will know whos a fucking asshole and a liar here @lucas u have the ss's and full link in ur discord and in this report also he lied about having account on ogu and on nulled lmao 

#42931626 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 14 June 2023 - 05:23 AM in Solved


#42931543 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 14 June 2023 - 05:14 AM in Solved

my coinbase havent used it for a very long time

#42931463 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 14 June 2023 - 05:03 AM in Solved

Like I said, I'm unsure who you've been contacting with but please leave discussions relating to this forum only.

The order you linked an image to was paid with Balance, clearly viewable on that image. The one you paid through Coinbase Commerce to our platform is the one I sent an image of previously.

The refunded Coinbase transaction I provided a screenshot to (blurred your email) is an exact match to the email of you've just provided. Here are images without details blurred.

You've already been refunded, please stop trying to get multiple refunds when we've already processed one for your crypto payment to our site.

@Lucas I have no further replies, please review the information provided by both parties and provide a conclusion to this report.

Kind Regards.

dude idk wtf are u talking about? i didn't get nothing nor iam trying to get multiple refunds i didn't get fucking nothing at the first place what btc address did u refund to?


edit: in ur website 9 june i sent u this wallet addy as shown here and on telegram official support 2-3 days later same addy ( u deleted the chat and insulted me ) and on ogu here on june 11 same thing same addy idk wtf are u doing and why u doing all this shit for but i just want my fucking money back thats about it 

#42930873 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 14 June 2023 - 03:33 AM in Solved

#42930858 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 14 June 2023 - 03:31 AM in Solved

@lucas @Shift please refund my money bro and admit ur own fault or stop playing the game u playing respectfully as u can see on ogu i never sold or open a scam report or asked refund for anything and u see from my rep i tipped and donated 1k+$ for nothing and been nothing but kind so idk why u think i would do that for 130$ 

#42930847 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 14 June 2023 - 03:28 AM in Solved

my btc addy was the same for weeks (bc1q5mv3jh5jqqhka3pe8kursafeq42xr6qv8gfk2p) the same one i sent u on site and on ogu and on telegram waaay before the "i refunded u days later" on

#42930830 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 14 June 2023 - 03:26 AM in Solved

Hi, I've actually just referred to our logs since we received a similar report on other forums. You've already been refunded, I will provide evidence that matches the photos you've uploaded.
OP, this user is trying to cause issues on all our forum profiles, because of a conversation he had with someone that assists with our marketing/advertising.

Please look at the attached image which matches the chat log he provided. The top of the image shows his account username.
Then please refer to the order placed on our site which is the image below. Please note the Coinbase transaction ID.
Finally, please refer to the Coinbase link provided which clearly shows the user being refunded for their transaction through the Coinbase Commerce platform.

Once you've reviewed this information, please close this report. I wish to not continue going back and forth with someone I've already processed a refund to.

If you require additional information, I can provide evidence of the users email matching their chat on our Intercom system and our Coinbase Commerce records. There are additional private details I can share as well, though I believe it's best to provide these details privately to OP so we can prevent unintentionally revealing the scam report users personal information.

Image of chat with user:
Image of their Shiftproxy account order:
Link to the same Coinbase payment txid: https://beta.commerc...yments/JM3M4PN6
If the Coinbase link is not viewable publicly, here is an attached screenshot:

Kind Regards.

idk if u playing a game or not to not send my money or someone scam u but heres a full ss of my profile bro uncensored 

#42930806 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 14 June 2023 - 03:23 AM in Solved

Have you received the refund? 

no i haven't received anything yet 

#42930800 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 14 June 2023 - 03:22 AM in Solved

Hi, I don't own a OGU profile. You likely contacted someone that has helped advertise with Shiftproxy, but that's besides the point.

Please respond with your crypto txid used for payment, your Shiftproxy account username, and your btc address in the event a refund is required.

Kind Regards.

first of all idk who u refunded but that wasn't me why on god's earth i posted a scam report on fourm 1 day and sent u the link to that report and was waiting for u to refund me then going on another fourm make a brand new acc 1 day after and post another crypto wallet the chat u cleared in telegram had the same date as my report proving that it was me also same wallet addy and pics that guy didn't idk if u made it to avoid the ban or avoiding paying my money or what but that isn't my problem that ur own fault u know my wallet u know the dd i made 1 day before with all the info 

here is ss from inside my email and as u can see here in ur own website dating back to june 9 posted the same wallet i sent u on tele with the ogu report same wallet on the dd too 

#42926793 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 13 June 2023 - 07:08 PM in Solved

@Shift reply within 12 hours.

he just got banned on ogu and soon on bhw hes saying he don't care talking about an idiot with 12yo brain like wtf is wrong with him he self destroying his business at first i thout he has a retarded working or support answering and managing for him but i guess not its just mental issue i feel sorry for the guy

#42923077 Scam report against | 2984821-shift | 135$

Posted by Judyy on 13 June 2023 - 11:22 AM in Solved

sent all the info to lucas via discord, his response after getting caught and clearing the chat also iam not even indian  https://cdn.discorda...36306/image.png