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CoSmIcScreaMz's Content

There have been 6 items by CoSmIcScreaMz (Search limited from Oct 07, 2023)

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#14555656 Scam report against | /user/2024544-darktechwtf | 10€

Posted by CoSmIcScreaMz on 24 November 2018 - 11:10 PM in Solved

Yep, he did refund.

#14540217 Scam report against | /user/2024544-darktechwtf | 10€

Posted by CoSmIcScreaMz on 24 November 2018 - 06:02 AM in Solved



Sorry for the delay. He directly sent me 10 euro to my email through a personal payment. It is unclaimed at this moment, would you like me to accept this payment from his other email?

#14506835 Scam report against | /user/2024544-darktechwtf | 10€

Posted by CoSmIcScreaMz on 22 November 2018 - 06:58 AM in Solved

I received 10 USD but it was through Goods and Services. The order was actually 10 euros and I am not going to accept goods and services when I have fees and hes just going to chargeback. He says he cannot refund because its not his paypal. lmk what you want from here lucas

#14506707 Scam report against | /user/2024544-darktechwtf | 10€

Posted by CoSmIcScreaMz on 22 November 2018 - 06:41 AM in Solved

You do not need to be my friend to refund, for one. I also never blocked you. You removed me and you are showing you resent me a friend request back. Also, you must have two discord accounts because both #0001 and #4933 are linked to you. I have accepted your friend request back, so feel free to refund. Just to note, the only "logs" you might say you have is one attack I tried to send but never went through, hence why I messaged you asking why it did not work.

#14505155 Scam report against | /user/2024544-darktechwtf | 10€

Posted by CoSmIcScreaMz on 22 November 2018 - 03:36 AM in Solved

Username: DarkTechWTF
Profile Link: https://www.nulled.t...544-darktechwtf
Short Description Of Product/Service: Discord Spammer/Raider
Thread of sales: https://www.nulled.t...pammer-premium/
Screenshots of conversation:

Amount scammed: 10€

Additional Information: I bought it and the first time I tried to use it, as you can see in the screenshots, he said: "Attack dont work its normal i wait my friend for change the tokens." I was never able to see if this even works, then after messaging him a few times and checking the website, I see that the whole operation is shut down. He said he will not refund and to open scam report so I am, he also said I used it, but the only time I tried to use it, it didn't work.


Posted by CoSmIcScreaMz on 22 September 2018 - 03:13 AM in Refunding Services

vouch for him great refunder