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There have been 18 items by fightnow3 (Search limited from Jul 28, 2023)

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#21038622 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 28 August 2019 - 02:05 PM in Solved

this is his own graveyard, look at the screenshots Administrator and tell me what you think and yes he did deleted all our conversation.

Have a nice day!

#21037380 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 28 August 2019 - 01:01 PM in Solved

It's time to @StreamerTool to prove that since he claimed it a lot of times:

Please Administrator help us here <3

Have a nice day!

#21036255 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 28 August 2019 - 12:00 PM in Solved

we still on the same page, we both have the rights to sell this software for the same price: he have broke the price rule and a lot more, and did put his credits saying that MY software is not original LMAO

his credits:


this guy it's a joke, @StreamerTool isn't looking to solve our issue, I would like to ask an Administrator to demand requests please!

#21022448 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 27 August 2019 - 08:53 PM in Solved

Your opinion does not matter, there is what we agreed on. My part of the deal completed.

I don't care what you think at this point.



We had a deal

1) StreamerTool License - Check

2) PW Changer NO HWID - Check



I think it is waste of nulled resources at this point.

the deal is still not arranged, I want him to fix the phrases on the software, and say with his own words here in the thread that he will update my software always when needed in case it stop workings like when twitch API gets updated.

#21016023 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 27 August 2019 - 04:01 PM in Solved

that's what StreamerTool call credits:

check it for yourself mod/adm and tell me what you think about this "credits", it seems like a joke for me.

#21013937 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 27 August 2019 - 02:31 PM in Solved

This shouldn't be closed not yet, we have found issues on our deal, I'm waiting for him to fix it:

#21008319 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 27 August 2019 - 08:56 AM in Solved

accusing me once again without proofs, waiting for Administrator answers.

#21003227 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 27 August 2019 - 02:14 AM in Solved

@StreamerTool should have to refund him


He has no proof of anything he is saying, vouches can't be used as proof because 1. Exit scamming  & 2. the vouches I've seen from him are previous experiences of him being legit, that does not mean he is telling the truth right now lol otherwise anyone could be a legit seller for 1 month then scam people using the first month's vouches as proof that they aren't scamming.



Sorry but OP has proof whereas StreamerTool doesn't. Reselling a product you specifically made for 1 customer for under half of that price is scummy no matter what circumstances it has and OP should be allowed to leak the program because its HIS program that he PAID you to make FOR HIM.


You & your vouches are retarded and if nulled allow you to get away with this it means that any legit seller can just start scamming people and using their old vouches to prove that they didn't. Have fun refunding $300 or getting banned buddy <3

finally someone who did judged it fairly, it's proofs agains't no proofs, I do appreciate your thought, that's exactly how the Administrator on the another website which I am reporting him aswell is thinking, I'm not thanking you for defending me, but for being clever, you are the only one who did commented my thread after seeing all the images I've uploaded, once again thank you for your feedback, now let's wait for an Administrator of nulled to decide it <3

#20997025 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 26 August 2019 - 09:15 PM in Solved

thats how he did got all his vouchs, look what kind of dealer he is:!2...RGUHauUpPd11UJw

I don't even need to use my friends/people to vouch for me, I have visual evidence/proofs, waiting for the administrator to decide!

and I also do deny his offer, I've paid $165 in BTC for the EMAIL:PW changer he is reselling it for $75 and still want to give me the HWID lock version(it seems like a joke), the one time life license of StreamerTool which I had it and he also revoked it from me it's $130 you can see that on his sales thread, so the deal is a full refund of $295 back to me in BTC.
Price of lifetime license:

#20991540 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 26 August 2019 - 05:12 PM in Solved

I would also like to invite the admin to "my" great Discord where everyone will tell that I'm trustable, cause I have asked them to do so, oh actually I don't have to do it, I have evidences, do your entire defense and prepare for the judgement, I wish you all a good day and gl, I'll be waiting for it to be concluded!

0 proofs so far, you better starting going after the proofs faster as possible to conclude our case, ty!

#20988933 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 26 August 2019 - 03:23 PM in Solved

the "OP lies" it's all on screenshots and the video LMAO, you gotta accept your vouches is useless agains't proofs, anyways it's time to the admins decide, don't waste your time asking in your discord for vouches, it's proofs agains't you, they just have to open my mega link and you are clearly banned, good luck dude, feel free to ask me additional informations admins, I'll just wait from now on since the proofs its fixed on the thread!

#20988171 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 26 August 2019 - 02:52 PM in Solved

I vouch for StreamerTool , this man is a Legend. While being a good coder , he is also a nice person . @Fightnow3  - is a man who leaked a source of a software created by @StreamerTool , also he waited certain time in order for @StreamerTool to get off the Discord server . I have been with @Streamertool for more than 5 month and can clearly assure that this guy will never scam. The man who opened this thread in fact super toxic and does not obey the rules that were stated by @StreamerTool. I will be vouchin for @StreamerTool as I saw everything that was happening in discord. The source of "password Changer " (the download link ) was leaked by a guy who opened this thread. 
It would be appreciated to close this theme and actually ban @Fightnow3 fo rhis toxic behavior 
Also , @StreamerTool is always super helpful and I had no problem working with him . Always helpful and is the nicest guy you ever meet . In fact I am going to buy more softwares from him . 

oh since you are saying the software got leaked by me, prove it to me, you seems to know more than me about my issue agains't StreamerTool, so put up your proofs since you have gaven your words, time to start proving, waiting for it.

#20988027 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 26 August 2019 - 02:47 PM in Solved

Can agree with the others without hesitation.
Would vouch for StreamerTool as well.

Vouchs agains't proofs its useless to vouch someone who did broke all the rules, let's wait for the administrator's answer.

#20987744 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 26 August 2019 - 02:36 PM in Solved

0 proofs at all as you can see, I have as many as you would like, just check my mega link with caution and you will realize what kind of dealer is StreamerTool, he have put his issues IRL above everything, like if I had to pay for his issues... the software was indeed never leaked, like I've spoke in the screenshots I have paid for it so why would I leak my OWN software? LMAO, that's funny honestly, waiting for the administrator's answer, anything in additional you may need let me know, thank you.
OBS: StreamerTool has a community on his Discord server, he is certainly asking his "customers" for help, to people just come and comment that he is honest, but I went clever by recording he deleting all our convo, there's no innocence on what he did, he did broke all the rules that you can even think about, it's up to you to declare him guilty or not, make sure to recheck my mega link as many times as you can!

#20984480 Scam Report Agains't 2450825-streamertool / $300 in BTC

Posted by fightnow3 on 26 August 2019 - 11:47 AM in Solved

first of all I can answer every single thing he did spoke above if you guys want me to, but you can see all of it on the screenshots that I did uploaded, thank you once again mods/adms:
I did bought 2 programs from him, the 1st one was "StreamerTool", I did bought it permmanently, one time life license, he did revoked it aswell (yes ACTUALLY HE DID) so the first order was "StreamerTool" at 04/05/2019 (4 months ago) the screenshot it's confused beucase he did deleted the conversation so it's like I was talking to no one, he did changed his name to "MOTECRU" on his old account which he is not using any longer:

The second software was Password and Mail changer, which I gave him the idea, he stole it and revoked my access by telling me I did leaked it, but on the screenshots you can clearly see he did revoked my access beucase he thought the DEAL we made was UNFAIR  to him, since he gave me rights to resell the software or do whatever I wanted with that and he did felt bad about the deal that he DID PURPOSED himself, this is the first time i've asked him to code me my idea after he came back from a trip:
Where it's where we agreed on $165 and i've sent him the BTC, you won't see the price because he deleted all our convo but you can watch the video that I did upload again and pause on this part of the conversation: (paid in 11/08/2019), this is the Txid proofs from Binance: (

So I did bought it with FULL RIGHTS you can see on this screenshot about it which is also uploaded as "Dan2" on mega: (you can try to look anywhere on or in the own browser if I did leaked it, I know I haven't done it.)
Thank you for jugding my case once again, and if you still have any doubts about what did "StreamerTool" said above on the thread, I can answer all of that, it's a huge number of proofs built in there...