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There have been 77 items by sunjester (Search limited from Dec 15, 2023)

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#17438730 What language should I learn?

Posted by sunjester on 16 March 2019 - 10:35 PM in Other languages

I've just started getting into coding and I'm not sure as to which language to learn. I want to mainly program game so I was thinking c++ or c sharp. If you could help me out that would be great. 


what kind of games?

#17418290 Any tips an experienced hash cracker has for me?

Posted by sunjester on 16 March 2019 - 06:30 AM in Cracking Support

did you benchmark it?

hashcat --benchmark-all

#17401414 ---

Posted by sunjester on 15 March 2019 - 03:40 PM in .NET Framework

Oh a DLL, but wouldnt it be like xNet?


I just looked that up (if this is it: and no, it would be easier to use.

#17396005 ---

Posted by sunjester on 15 March 2019 - 06:39 AM in .NET Framework

It would be really helpful to learn from your point of view, as a professional coder, what do you aim for when creating a cracker. I learned to create a basic cracker but now I just need to know how to polish it, make the threading better and faster, fix the timeout errors etc...

Id prefer learning from your point of view over things than a framework to copy and paste ^_^ I genuinely believe that we could learn a lot from you


the framework would be a DLL and not a copy and paste, but I always release the source. send me a pm so i dont forget, i help quite a few people on here so sometimes i forget about projects/posts

#17395308 i need ddos attack

Posted by sunjester on 15 March 2019 - 04:48 AM in Partnership & Hiring

I want to find a specialist


I'm looking for someone who can bring this place down.

I want to attack for seven days.

I'll give you the price you want.
(I will not send money without testing first)

my discord: bangkin # 8212
telegram: bang87


the U.S. is giving out 10 year prison sentences for ddos-for-hire services, your price better be good.

#17395295 ---

Posted by sunjester on 15 March 2019 - 04:46 AM in .NET Framework

I know the basics of C#, just need some tutor to enlighten me on coding a simple cracker.


I wrote a tutorial about this, search the forum for "sunjester tuts". I will write one for c#, maybe i'll just make a framework for people to use ;)

#17395128 Number Generator Software

Posted by sunjester on 15 March 2019 - 04:26 AM in Cracking Support

got an error running, any advice? 


what is the error? you might need to change the class to public, depending on what environment youre using, like this,

#17392960 Number Generator Software

Posted by sunjester on 15 March 2019 - 01:05 AM in Cracking Support

using System;

class Gen
        public static void Main()
                Console.WriteLine("by sunjester,");

        public static string genNum()
                string block1 = String.Empty;
                Random n;
                for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
                        n = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
                        block1 = block1 + n.Next(0,9).ToString();

                string block2 = String.Empty;
                for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
                        n = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());
                        block2 = block2 + n.Next(0,9).ToString();

                n = new Random(Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode());

                return "70712 "+ block1 +" 98716" + block2 + " " + n.Next(0,9).ToString();

#17330353 Ghidra new NSA RE tool.

Posted by sunjester on 12 March 2019 - 10:28 PM in Tools


#17329994 [sunjester tuts] Combolist Management in C#: Part 1

Posted by sunjester on 12 March 2019 - 10:14 PM in .NET Framework


You can follow along by reading the first tutorial about loading/running C# on Linux here. If you have already read that one or know how to do it, please feel free to continue. You can read my other combolist management thread (in bash/shell script) here. All of my tutorials are written under Linux, and I will not pander to the Windows kiddies. I have been developing software since before .NET was around and normally don't even use an IDE, I either use SublimeText, vi, or nano. Nothing wrong with using a full IDE, especially if you're new.

Combo Lists
You can get a shit ton of combo lists from my old github repo ( that has 17 million combos. You can use any of those to practice your skills and use the code presented here. Most of the combo lists people are using are huge. When you are dealing with a large amount of data, reading line by line into a string[] array is just stupid, it will slow your computer down and probably crash your software. The lists in my repo shouldn't have duplicates in them and they should all be a colon delimited format.
We can read a list (the list im using has 8,000 lines) into a generic list:

public void RemoveDupes(string fileName)
    var file = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
    var lines = new List<string>(file);

In the code above we are reading a file named fileName into a generic string list named lines. Two libraries are needed for this: System.Collections.Generic and System.IO.
Removing Duplicates
When removing duplicates you can use Linq's Distinct method since we are using a generic list to hold the combos. It requires a simple addition to one of our lines of code.

var lines = new List<string>(file).Distinct();

That's it, you have removed all the duplicates from that generic list. So now that we have remove the duplicates we can write it back out to a new file named "no_dupes". So let's put it all together.

public void RemoveDupes(string fileName)
    var file = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
    var lines = new List<string>(file).Distinct();
    TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("no_dupes");

    foreach(string line in lines)


Dealing with HUGE Combo Lists

When dealing with large combo lists the best thing to do is read a bit at a time. There is no reason to ever store that much in a single file but if you do (and you know who you are) we can use a temporary file and read a little bit at a time. This will keep your software from locking up and your computer free from dying. This is a 24mb flat file with 800k+ combos This is not something you should load into a string[] or even a generic list all at once.


So what do we do? Chunk it up into smaller sections.

public void ReadLargeCombo(string fileName, int start, int howMany)
    List<string> lines = new List<string>(File.ReadLines(fileName).Skip(start).Take(howMany));
    foreach(string line in lines)

So to use the method we would supply the name of the file, which line to start with and then how many to return from the line we started at, for example:

combos.ReadLargeCombo("combolist1", 50, 100);

We are starting at line 50 in the file and returning 100 lines.



I am stopping here and going to provide you with the class I've written so far. I changed the ReadLargeCombo method to return the array of lines instead of printing them out on the spot (since that would be bad OOP practice). If you have suggestions for the next tutorials, let me know. If you have problems with your combo lists and would like to have a solution to the problem, let me know, I will add it to the next tutorial.

class ComboSun
        public ComboSun() {}

        public void RemoveDupes(string fileName)
                var file = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
                var lines = new List<string>(file).Distinct();

                TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter("no_dupes");

                foreach(string line in lines)


        public List<string> ReadLargeCombo(string fileName, int start, int howMany)
                List<string> lines = new List<string>(File.ReadLines(fileName).Skip(start).Take(howMany));
                return lines;


#17327969 Cracking a leak (blackhatsem)

Posted by sunjester on 12 March 2019 - 09:01 PM in Other languages

did you just try jmp'ing the messagebox?


Posted by sunjester on 12 March 2019 - 09:00 PM in C/C+



I search free solver


you could use tesseract and make your own or pay for the service like deathbycaptcha, http://deathbycaptch...ed-subscription

#17327794 [Suggestion] Python forum in coding category

Posted by sunjester on 12 March 2019 - 08:55 PM in Feedback and Suggestions

I just post my python or other code that doesnt fit somewhere (like bash) in the general category, https://www.nulled.t...nd-programming/

#17306385 19142 checked proxies [https,socks4,socks5] hits granted

Posted by sunjester on 12 March 2019 - 04:30 AM in Proxies



no, most are from

#17306301 19142 checked proxies [https,socks4,socks5] hits granted

Posted by sunjester on 12 March 2019 - 04:24 AM in Proxies

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