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There have been 3 items by Malex (Search limited from Oct 10, 2023)

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#32898531 Fix Nulled

Posted by Malex on 13 March 2021 - 11:51 AM in Feedback and Suggestions

Funny how people keep telling him it's a bug, most likely it's just their CDN being down from a DDoS attack or other reasons. Anyway the devs of this forum don't care much about the uptime, it feels like it's down every other day. Wouldn't be surprised if people already have started moving to other places

#28302791 Dear nulled... this is crystal Asking For help for the first and the last time

Posted by Malex on 19 June 2020 - 09:33 PM in The Lounge

Lol chill out for a bit youngling. If you were to visit her why wouldn't you come back to the "life not worth living", after your trip is over? If you are planning to stay there, there are harder things to acquire than just money for just travelling there, such as work/student VISA. I get that you're madly in love right now, but honestly that girl is not the solution to all of the worlds problems. I guess it's a nice feeling while it lasts, but don't stress yourself too much over it. Acquiring the money to travel to a place if you have a year really shouldn't be a problem, get a job and start investing basically.

Just out of curiosity, for how long have you known her?




Bump for my fellow Simp here



#28188043 Layer 7 DDoS POST FLOOD SCRIPT [Written in GoLang]

Posted by Malex on 14 June 2020 - 11:24 AM in Source Codes

No sourcecode, rather a prebuild Linux binary