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There have been 195 items by Sarah (Search limited from Jul 28, 2023)

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#43673006 buying fortnite account with old skins (season 1-5), full access

Posted by Sarah on 26 August 2023 - 03:08 PM in Buyers

Looking to buy a fortnite account with skins from season 1-5, doesn't have to be og skull trooper or anything crazy, I just want a handful of old skins on it


if its not full access with mail I'm not interested

#43651037 Rep Removal

Posted by Sarah on 24 August 2023 - 12:20 PM in Answered

it's not fair to have my -neg I gave have been removed and yours not, therefore, you better remove or change it so I can change mine, I'm having no personal issues with you but you have started this 

If yours was removed, it was removed by admins - for a reason. Just adding it back will result in me reporting over and over again. If you genuinely think that revenge repping me 2 YEARS later is a normal thing to do, you're retarded.

#43640993 Rep Removal

Posted by Sarah on 23 August 2023 - 12:38 PM in Answered

Picture of the rep you are reporting:
Profile of the person you're reporting:
Explanation of your interaction (brief):


too lazy to explain it all, but basically:

>he joins sb
>cries about getting no sales

>asks for similar forums
>I tell him ""
>he doesnt get the joke, calls me a 13yo

>ask him why he's crying about no sales when he's selling multiple "automated money making methods"
>he gets mad and responds with shit like this
>I negrep him for being disrespectful
>he negs me back and spreads lies about my service (he doesnt even understand what my website does, yet tries to trashtalk it)


I would ask admins to check on his methods, as clearly they aren't working when he's unable to use them to make money.

#43613479 Pre-Paid Spotify Premium - 1 Year - Guaranteed no kicks - No Family Plan BS

Posted by Sarah on 20 August 2023 - 10:10 PM in Products

For more than 4 years people have sold Spotify Upgrades on forums, discord and even ebay. You could get your account upgraded for as little as $5 for a "lifetime".

The only downside? Those upgrades are done through stolen Spotify Family Owner accounts, resulting in constant kicks from those families and instantly losing all your premium benefits.

The goal of this service is to put an end to this, constantly having to ask for replacements and having to switch your account every month or so can get annoying really quick.


Due to the fact that we use 100% legal methods to pay for the subscriptions on our accounts, we can guarantee no kicks since we aren't using family upgrades. (This can be verified by Admins if needed)


Buying an account from us will guarantee 12 months of legitimate Spotify Premium on a freshly created account, no ads, no need for VPN's, no restrictions. The accounts can be used worldwide and on any platform.


The price per account is $32.


We also offer bulk prices:


3x = $96 --> $90 ($6 off - $2 discount per account)

5x = $160 --> $145 ($15 off - $3 discount per account)

10x = $320 --> $280 ($40 off - $4 discount per account)


Since every account will be handmade we can't offer autobuy for this service - yet!


Contact me on telegram to get started:


I only accept crypto for now.

#43425832 DreamDraw AI - The #1 AI Image Generation Service

Posted by Sarah on 02 August 2023 - 11:53 AM in Services


#43425799 ComboMagic - The best automated Combo-Editing Service [50+ VOUCHES INCL. 2x S...

Posted by Sarah on 02 August 2023 - 11:48 AM in Services


#43425798 - Your Steam Key supplier since 2019!

Posted by Sarah on 02 August 2023 - 11:48 AM in Products


#42708871 3 Long-term Businesses for sale

Posted by Sarah on 22 May 2023 - 04:14 PM in Services

Hello, since I'm stepping down from forum stuff I'd like to give my current services a new home.
I believe that there's great potential in these services and it'd be a waste to let them die.
The services I am looking to sell are:

ComboMagic - https://www.nulled.t...-incl-2x-staff/
FemboyProxy - https://www.nulled.t...youll-find-uwu/
DreamDraw AI - https://www.nulled.t...ration-service/
I am looking for 1k (1000 united states dollars) each, or 2.75k (2750 united states dollars) if you take all three at once. This price is not negotiable since it's already the lowest I'd go because I'm quickselling them.
I am willing to answer questions about the services you're interested in after you show me a proof of funds.
Please don't waste my time asking for analytics or whatever just to ghost me in the end, all those services are vouched on here (and on CTO) and have active buyer bases. It's your job to keep them alive and scale them, analytics will not help with that process. Sales can go down or up depending on your sales tactics.
Middleman is accepted, at your own expense.
DM me your telegram if you're interested.

#42679404 Goodbye Nulled, this time for real.

Posted by Sarah on 19 May 2023 - 05:19 PM in The Lounge

I was gonna write a long ass post like I did the last few times, but my mind is too cloudy for that right now.


Too much shit going on, not knowing how much time I have left, not knowing whats gonna happen.


Anyway I'll keep it short, I'm leaving Nulled. This is not a choice I made and it hurts writing this, but I'm in some big trouble rn. Those who know, know. (please don't share anything publicly, don't make it harder for me than it already is)


If I'm banned at the time you're reading this, its a security ban, not an exit scam.


I'd like to thank every single one of you for the memories I made on here. I will never forget nulled, its a huge part of my life. I'll try to finally turn my life around for the better and I advise you to do the same. I thought I'd be able to leave all of this behind before it would backfire, but I guess I was wrong. Don't be greedy and stupid, take your profits and do something good, even if it means less money.


I won't be shouting people out because it would be stupid in my current situation, you guys know who you are, I love you.


That being said, I won't sell anything on here in the foreseeable future. If anyone dm's you on discord, telegram or anywhere else claiming to be me - they're not.


After I've dealt with the current scam report on me I'll be gone.


If you're interested in buying any of my services, please reach out on telegram within the next few days. If you don't have my telegram don't bother finding it, I won't sell to you.


Goodbye friends.



#42663465 Scam report against | Sarah | $150 USD

Posted by Sarah on 18 May 2023 - 02:00 AM in Solved

User received a partial refund, I'm working on the remaining amount now.

#42650301 Scam report against | Sarah | $150 USD

Posted by Sarah on 16 May 2023 - 07:49 PM in Solved

Hello @PerfectTwenty,


I apologize for the situation you got into due to the poor quality of the service.


I'd like to mention that at no point you dealt with me, the people in this discord were hired by @ClaireLovely who I'm unable to reach out to at the point of writing this.


This whole service has been sitting on my profile for ages and to be fully honest, I kinda forgot about it since I only ever received one payment from it around a year ago.


Obviously I am fully aware that I'm responsible for everything that is being advertised on my profile so I'll be handling this situation accordingly.


I'd like to ask @Lucas to lock the service thread and allow me some time (maybe a few days if possible) to try to get in touch with Claire or the people who handled this payment.


If I fail to get in contact with any person responsible for this I'll be refunding the money out of my own pocket.

#42637411 DreamDraw AI - The #1 AI Image Generation Service

Posted by Sarah on 15 May 2023 - 02:37 PM in Services

is it same like the mid journey AI?

It's the same kind of product but we offer multiple pre-trained models (currently 17), allow NSFW and offer unlimited generations within the subscribed timeframe

#42610468 - Your Steam Key supplier since 2019!

Posted by Sarah on 12 May 2023 - 07:53 PM in Products


#42570214 - Your Steam Key supplier since 2019!

Posted by Sarah on 08 May 2023 - 07:21 PM in Products


#42555824 5x DreamDraw AI codes

Posted by Sarah on 07 May 2023 - 12:41 PM in Other Leaks

DreamDraw is a blazing fast AI Image Generation Service built within Discord for easy cross-platform use


here are 5 free daily sub codes, you can redeem them in the discord that is linked in the official sales thread:



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