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SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf's Content

There have been 193 items by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf (Search limited from Jul 28, 2023)

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#17831080 [MEGA] Liz Katz Leak 18+

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 04 April 2019 - 05:36 PM in Other Leaks

Meh, not really hot.

#17789159 » Looking for an 'Must contain' password tool » Willing to pay »

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 02 April 2019 - 02:24 PM in Buyers

Hi there!


Let me explain before you contact me:


I need a tool that extracts passwords from a combo that contain letters and numbers, or letters and punctuation marks. 


For example this is my combo:


[email protected]:is4130

[email protected]:arsenalfc

[email protected]:principles
[email protected]:jack1995

[email protected]:2991993123


The ones that need to get the fuck out are the ones with only lowercases or the ones that only have numbers!!!


For example this is my combo:


[email protected]:is4130

[email protected]:jack1995


These ones are legit!!! Also these ones are legit too :


[email protected]:FUCKYOU!

[email protected]:therock%


If you get me and want to help me write a script for this or make a tool contact me!!! Also if this can be done in certain notepads with bash commands contact me too!!!


Willing to pay!!!


Discord: Jimmzzy#4454


I can make you a python script that does that. If you have btc pm me.

#17789022 how is cracking award obtained?

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 02 April 2019 - 02:14 PM in Answered

Yea I think it was 100 threads in cracking section and then you gotta request that from a staff member.

#17741816 shitty_button.submitshit

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 30 March 2019 - 10:48 PM in The Lounge

Actually real. lol

#17741791 rate my new profile pic

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 30 March 2019 - 10:47 PM in The Lounge


#17741713 How to get dark mode on any website

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 30 March 2019 - 10:44 PM in The Lounge




Real gangsters use pre-release versions of ublock origin. Kappa


But fr though, I will test the extension I hope it works well. Other extensions like that one were often pretty buggy, partially broke websites or didn't work at all sometimes on some websites.

#17741649 What new programming language should I learn?

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 30 March 2019 - 10:42 PM in The Lounge

I would try to learn C++ and Java, you can create games and other performance heavy program.


Java and performance. Are you ok?



I code in python 3.6 atm, i've learnt HTML, CSS, and it's so fucking boring so I quit.


I wanna learn a new language which I can use for something else.. not just for making programs. I don't have to learn C, i can code everything i want in python. (ik its retarded but thats how i look at it)


Recommendations?   thugdoge


Did you consider learning javascript?

#17741517 reply new name i should use

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 30 March 2019 - 10:35 PM in The Lounge

SzFqgKlPK9ufvGfSlave Kappa


Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 28 March 2019 - 07:37 PM in The Lounge

Instructions unclear. Finger stuck in toaster.

#17687020 Anyone interested in earning money?

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 28 March 2019 - 09:34 AM in The Lounge


#17672814 Scammer Alert!!1

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 27 March 2019 - 03:36 PM in The Lounge


#17672791 Is DayZ any good in 2019?

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 27 March 2019 - 03:35 PM in The Lounge

Isn't the game dead?

#17672772 Article 13

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 27 March 2019 - 03:35 PM in The Lounge

I don't care to be honest.

#17672758 Any good netflix account cracker?

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 27 March 2019 - 03:34 PM in The Lounge

Use search.

#17672750 Did you guys hear Telltale Games shutdown?

Posted by SzFqgKlPK9ufvGf on 27 March 2019 - 03:33 PM in The Lounge

Well at least skybound finished walking dead. It was pretty good. I can recommend it.