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There have been 57 items by Johjun (Search limited from Jun 04, 2023)

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Posted by Johjun on 18 May 2017 - 12:37 AM in Other Games

still work?


Posted by Johjun on 18 May 2017 - 12:32 AM in Other Games



Posted by Johjun on 20 March 2017 - 10:38 PM in League of Legends

why hidden

#6395859 [Google Play] How to have free in-app purchases [CoC, CR, HS, etc...]

Posted by Johjun on 20 March 2017 - 11:26 AM in Tutorials, Guides, Ebooks, etc.


#6377913 Netflix FREE FOREVER !

Posted by Johjun on 18 March 2017 - 03:22 PM in Tutorials, Guides, Ebooks, etc.


#6340319 [18+][NSFW] Nudes from a chick who i hacked

Posted by Johjun on 13 March 2017 - 11:21 PM in The Lounge


#6290020 Reputation abuse @Fokume @Milan @Chidori- @RobertDeNiro-

Posted by Johjun on 08 March 2017 - 06:43 PM in Answered


  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt*
  • 1 tablespoon pure olive oil
  • 3/4 cup warm water
  • 2 cups bread flour (for bread machines)
  • 1 teaspoon instant yeast
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • Olive oil, for the pizza crust
  • Flour, for dusting the pizza peel
  • Place the sugar, salt, olive oil, water, 1 cup of flour, yeast, and remaining cup of flour into a standing mixer's work bowl. Using the paddle attachment, start the mixer on low and mix until the dough just comes together, forming a ball. Lube the hook attachment with cooking spray. Attach the hook to the mixer and knead for 15 minutes on medium speed.

    Tear off a small piece of dough and flatten into a disc. Stretch the dough until thin. Hold it up to the light and look to see if the baker's windowpane, or taut membrane, has formed. If the dough tears before it forms, knead the dough for an additional 5 to 10 minutes.

    Roll the pizza dough into a smooth ball on the countertop. Place into a stainless steel or glass bowl. Add 2 teaspoons of olive oil to the bowl and toss to coat. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 18 to 24 hours.

    Place the pizza stone or tile onto the bottom of a cold oven and turn the oven to its highest temperature, about 500 degrees F. If the oven has coils on the oven floor, place the tile onto the lowest rack of the oven. Split the pizza dough into 2 equal parts using a knife or a dough scraper. Flatten into a disk onto the countertop and then fold the dough into a ball.

    Wet hands barely with water and rub them onto the countertop to dampen the surface. Roll the dough on the surface until it tightens. Cover one ball with a tea towel and rest for 30 minutes.

    Repeat the steps with the other piece of dough. If not baking the remaining pizza immediately, spray the inside of a ziptop bag with cooking spray and place the dough ball into the bag. Refrigerate for up to 6 days.

    Sprinkle the flour onto the peel and place the dough onto the peel. Using your hands, form a lip around the edges of the pizza. Stretch the dough into a round disc, rotating after each stretch. Toss the dough in the air if you dare. Shake the pizza on the peel to be sure that it will slide onto the pizza stone or tile. (Dress and bake the pizza immediately for a crisp crust or rest the dough for 30 minutes if you want a chewy texture.)

    Brush the rim of the pizza with olive oil. Spread the pizza sauce evenly onto the pizza. Sprinkle the herbs onto the pizza and top with the cheese.

    Slide the pizza onto the tile and bake for 7 minutes, or until bubbly and golden brown. Rest for 3 minutes before slicing.

    *This recipe's been on the web for some time now and although most of the reactions have been darned positive, some of you have commented that the dough was way too salty. At first we chalked this up to personal preference; some folks are just not as sensitive as others to this basic flavor. And of course salty toppings would definitley change the dynamic. Still, we didn't want to leave it at that. We went back to the lab and found that the flake size of kosher salt differs quite a bit from brand to brand. This could easily result in a too salty crust. So unless you've had success with the recipe in the past, we suggest you cut the salt by one teaspoon, from a tablespoon to two teaspoons. So that the yeast doesn't go crazy, you should also cut back on the sugar by half a teaspoon


thanks man was searching for this

#6289987 Reputation abuse @Fokume @Milan @Chidori- @RobertDeNiro-

Posted by Johjun on 08 March 2017 - 06:41 PM in Answered

Users @Fokume  @Chidori- @RobertDeNiro- 


have all abused being able to +2/-2 rep people and this is against forum rules. i highly doubt anything will happen because i have yet to see any mod ban someone who is VIP or higher, AKA not a grey for more than 1 day which because of nulled's code doesen't even matter. has happened to me before and nothing no bans nothing. this all came from a user suggesting i was scamming him which i was not and i told him i no longer was intrested in his account as you can see "GL" implying he was going to do something to ensure i cannot sell any other account's so he posted our convos is shoutbox and got advice from Robert, he then posted in our chat how he asked people in shoutbox and "EVERYONE" said it was a scam when in reality it was just robert a reputable member who i was not aware of. Even after this i told him not to do the trade and he carried on messaging me. i said to him that donator and VIP were not based on achievements because donating is when you pay money so i assumed some rich person got donator for donating and VIP for paying for it. simply pointing out that because someone has money they are not trust worthy and if he had a problem to contact a mod and told him twice again not to sell me his account. and as you guessed he carried on messaging me.


i may not have handled this great because i just settled a scam report against me which took a long time and this user selling me an account, took 3 days to finally speak to me about selling it. 

so ontop of being frustrated and tired i was pissed off a lot when he posted our chat in shoutbox without permission.£20/


there is the scam report i settled instantly however it took a while to get the money past paypal into his accoun't 


i have been selling account's for a while now and after having - rep a while ago having amounted +rep people finally wanted to buy from me again and it has happened again 4 random people accepting the word of someone who leaked out of context gyazo, and created their account 1 week ago and leeches forums.


i know this is long but just trying to explain what happened. like i said i doubt the mods will do anything at all hopefully the people who -rep me realise that i did nothing wrong and remove it if not i'll probably be done with this forum. 






shoutout HK 

shoutout dexter


that is all from me goodnight 

+ this alone should be a ban the guy who said i scammed got chidori to -rep me to start this and the only other rep he has is a guy saying he is untrusted let me just remind you... 

  • Giving unjustified reputation/likes, as a favor for example, will be considered reputation-abuse and leads to a permanent ban.

clear proof he did it as a favour and it's unjust don't see how the mods can't agree with me 

#6289940 Reputation abuse @Fokume @Milan @Chidori- @RobertDeNiro-

Posted by Johjun on 08 March 2017 - 06:36 PM in Answered


How do you mean stop believing what people write lol i am sending screenshots of the facts.

Anyone who is interested in the conversation pm me because he apperently thinks that i care about it lol.

And this is my last post of today :pepe:


i doubt it and i have said since i posted this i will leak the convo because i have done nothing wrong and stop lying to people like the mods can't see the messages

#6289890 Reputation abuse @Fokume @Milan @Chidori- @RobertDeNiro-

Posted by Johjun on 08 March 2017 - 06:33 PM in Answered

You refused robert as a middle man L O L 


cya m8

no i didn't where are you getting this from stop believing what people write wtf

You did the same, therefore I will punish you and let them out, because the apparently had a reason. Are you fine with that?



EDIT: next person who uses the phrase "i get you banned" will get suspended

i did not rep abuse because my reputation doesen't +2/-2 the forum rules is VIP rep abuse i did nothing wrong other than retaliate and post that they scammed me  for my reputation and customers.

#6289847 Reputation abuse @Fokume @Milan @Chidori- @RobertDeNiro-

Posted by Johjun on 08 March 2017 - 06:29 PM in Answered

You did the same, therefore I will punish you and let them out, because the apparently had a reason. Are you fine with that?



EDIT: next person who uses the phrase "i get you banned" will get suspended

what do you mean let them out?

#6289769 Reputation abuse @Fokume @Milan @Chidori- @RobertDeNiro-

Posted by Johjun on 08 March 2017 - 06:25 PM in Answered


And me saying gl on buying other accounts was just to clearify that i was done with trying to sell it to you and wishing you the best with other people,

I never told anyone -rep him he tried to scam me i was just sharing the conversation because i think others should know you aren't trusted,

That they -repped you is not my fault it is yours, if you can find it anywhere that i said -rep him i will leave this forum forever.

stop being a prick and fuckoff before i get you banned. i can leak the whole convo if you don't stop talking to me you loser.

#6289753 Reputation abuse @Fokume @Milan @Chidori- @RobertDeNiro-

Posted by Johjun on 08 March 2017 - 06:24 PM in Answered

And please explain what this is:


And this:


You deserve a ban, if they deserve a ban as well.... Just sayin'.


#6289631 Reputation abuse @Fokume @Milan @Chidori- @RobertDeNiro-

Posted by Johjun on 08 March 2017 - 06:14 PM in Answered

got the screenshot











#6289594 Reputation abuse @Fokume @Milan @Chidori- @RobertDeNiro-

Posted by Johjun on 08 March 2017 - 06:10 PM in Answered

Welcome to Nulled Fappa



yea still had to make this though