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There have been 2 items by gerasimus (Search limited from Jun 15, 2023)

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#32139454 Feeling Suicidal? Contact one of these Numbers

Posted by gerasimus on 19 January 2021 - 12:42 PM in Personal Life

Suicide/suicidal thoughts are often correlated with depression. People should be more aware of what it means and how can it be seen earlier. We are so preoccupied with ourselves that we forget about others... You never know what someone might go through. They all seem happy until you hear about their death. This is why mental health should represent an important aspect of our life. That's why showing interest in depression, anxiety is an act of kindness and might save someone's life... The internet is full of articles and documentaries, not to mention the many movies about mental health. It's time to get informed.

Could you tell me some more information about it? Let’s talk in PM

#31777528 EASY to use SMS phone spammer

Posted by gerasimus on 28 December 2020 - 07:09 PM in Cracked Programs

Unfortunately, phone spam is now very common. I often get calls and text messages from unfamiliar numbers, but I don't answer. I've already contacted the phone company, but they said they couldn't help. I decided to find an app that recognize spam calls and give out information about unknown numbers. App is legal and uses the codes of the States  I'm not in a hurry to block an unfamiliar number, because I may get a call from a familiar person who has problems with the phone. I advise you to check unfamiliar numbers.