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#32462381 - a free service for managing ads of all your FB accounts from...

Posted by dontfarm on 09 February 2021 - 01:13 PM in Services



Hey Friends!
We have started selling Facebook Business Managers as part of project!


And most importantly, the service itself remains FREE FOREVER, as well as it remains an indispensable tool for comfortable work with Facebook Ads!
We will also continue to add various expendables that may be needed for work.


There are currently 2 offers available:
BM 50$ - 9$
BM 250$ - 19$ - a free tool for affiliate marketers, who works with Facebook.


Posted by dontfarm on 08 February 2021 - 11:22 AM in Services



How to understand who is the target audience of the offer


The target audience is one of the key points that determines from which website you will take traffic, how effective your ad will work and how much you will spend before you start earning.


To deal with this, we have collected a number of key criteria that will help you determine the target audience for a specific offer.


The main criteria for determining the target audience


The target audience is divided into two segments:

The main one is direct consumers of your product or service. For example, a woman that uses makeup.
Indirect — those who can potentially interact with your product, while not being the main consumers. For example, a man may not use makeup, but will be ready to purchase it for his wife.


Below are a few basic criteria that will help you segment your audience:


Gender. What gender to target will depend on which offer you plan to work with.  For example, a gym membership can be suitable for both men and women, but women are the main consumers of cosmetics and beauty products.


Age. Based on the age, solvency will follow and how useful your product is for a particular segment of people. For example, cosmetics can be age-related and are competitively suitable for women 35+, or, on the contrary, can be developed for younger skin.


Also, depending on the age of the audience, you can first draw conclusions about which social network is better to take traffic from. With regard to Russia, for example, an older audience uses Odnoklassniki, but TikTok is used more by younger generations.


Location. Depending on the location of your target audience, it will depend on how interesting your product is to your audience and is available for finance. For example, advertising of expensive sports nutrition is advisable to promote in large cities among the male audience, but in small cities the result can be much worse.


Solvency. The income can be quite misleading.


For example, not everyone can afford to buy the latest model of iPhone. However, surely everyone has examples among friends when a person's income is several times lower than the cost of the iPhone, but he has one. Most often, in these cases, the iPhone is purchased on credit, despite the fact that in the future a person will have to significantly limit himself in other spending for some time.


This example clearly shows that the ability to buy a product is determined from the ratio of the desire to have something to income. Thus, part of the audience is ready to purchase goods that are not included in their price category, due to the fact that the desire to possess a particular product is higher than the possibility.


This formula does not always work. For example, if a person wants a yacht, while the income is barely enough for food, no matter how he limits himself, he will still not be able to buy a yacht.


Based on this, when forming a portrait of your target audience, you need to take into account its income and how great the desire to use the advertised product or service is. If there is no need for your product, you need to create it. This will be discussed in the paragraph below.


You can also take into account the type of income: in front of you is a freelancer, an office worker, or a person earning income through physical labor. For example, a three-piece suit may be useful for an office worker, but it is unlikely that a builder or miner will need it.


The benefit of the product. It is not enough to simply determine the age and the solvency of your audience. It is necessary that the advertised product or service solve some problem of the buyer, improve his life.  Or create the illusion of improvement.


If you are just starting to work with affiliate marketing and you are not sure that you know the target audience of the chosen offer, take a piece of paper and answer the questions from the list below:


What pains / problems does the target audience have?
How will the product / service help solve these problems?
What are the fears of the potential customer before buying the product/service?
Potential objections of the customer before purchasing your product?


To make it clear how it works, let's analyze it using a conditional example.


Let's say you need to promote a nutra offer with dietary supplements for weight loss.


Target audience: women 25+
Income level: average, up to $ 2500 per month
Pains of the target audience: they want to lose weight
How the product will help solve the problem: will help you quickly lose weight without unnecessary restrictions and exhausting diets
Concerns: The product may be harmful to the body
Potential Objection: Unknown manufacturer, therefore not proven to be effective.


It is not enough to write in the advertisement that you can lose weight with a specific product. Emphasis should be placed on how quickly the customer can get rid of those extra pounds and how safe it will be. Additionally, it can play that the product is made from natural products and allows you to lose weight without harm to health.


Conventionally, the text in creatives may look like this:

“- 5 kg in 7 days without harm to health.  Proven effectiveness "
"Eat and lose weight, visible results in 7 days."
“Losing weight in record time.  No harm to health and diets ”

Time of activity of the target audience. This point should be taken into account in order to determine the days and times of ad display. For example, users are most often interested in legal services on weekdays during working hours, but the activity of dating services can increase in the evening and on weekends, when people usually have more free time.

What else can help define the target audience


Seller research.  Most often, advertisers have already done their own research and know exactly who their target customers are.  When you receive an offer, you can see a description that will indicate who is included in the target audience in the following format: gender, age, geo.


These recommendations do not always work because not all companies are ready to spend money on massive research of their audience and its needs. But this information will not be superfluous.


Checking popularity of queries. You can check how popular your offer is in a specific city or country, from which devices most often users search for your offer, etc. For this use Wordstat, Google Trends or Audience Insights to check the popularity of your offer.


Such analytics will help in the future to determine the resource from which you will promote a specific offer.


See how similar campaigns work for other affiliates. With the help of special programs, you can view the statistics of specific offers that other affiliates use: which offers and  creatives they use, what profit they get, etc.  For example, Adspy or Adplexity will help you with this.


This is a great opportunity to both learn the mechanics of other affiliate marketers and learn from their mistakes.


The relevance of displaying on certain services. In addition to the restrictions on the subject of advertising content on some websites, sometimes it is simply inappropriate to place some offers on specific sites. For example, children's toys are unlikely to be appropriate for banners on sites that specialize in renovation or fishing


Run tests. If you are just starting to work in affiliate marketing, you cannot do without test periods. Analyze your experience and that of competitors and do not be afraid to experiment: by trial and error, you can choose your audience.


Posted by dontfarm on 05 February 2021 - 01:24 PM in Services





Due to high demand and multiple requests, we have decided to renew our January promo, which provides you the opportunity to save more than $900 on our FB accounts!


2 Premium subscription slots for $1000, instead of minimal entry point of $3790
10 Standard subscription slots for $1000, instead of minimal entry point of $1980


This Promo is active only till February 22!


To place an order please contact your manager


Posted by dontfarm on 04 February 2021 - 12:20 PM in Services





If there were no affiliate marketers, who work with nutra offers, we would never know how to look 18 in our 40's 
Guys on the first screenshot work with this vertical.


Our clients on the second screenshot consistently run ads on car loans and gain profit with accounts


These cool guys on the third screenshot work with dropshipping


Posted by dontfarm on 02 February 2021 - 08:55 AM in Services

Go to, order accounts and be the best :)


Posted by dontfarm on 29 January 2021 - 11:26 AM in Services



Why rent social media accounts


There is a lot of controversy surrounding the rental of accounts: some users say that this is a good way to earn extra money. Or even get a steady income. Others say that this is a risk for the account owner and only scammers offer to rent accounts.

In this article, we will analyze why accounts are rented, is it really possible to make money on this, and what are the risks for the account owner.


Why rent accounts

The main reason for renting other users' accounts is to run ads on social networks.

Facebook is constantly tightening its requirements for ads. In particular, there are restrictions on the number of campaigns launched from one ad account.

Moreover, advertising accounts are oftenly blocked. At the same time, not only gray and black offers are blocked, but also white ones, if for some reason they do not meet the policy of the social network.

The blocking can be temporary or the account can be banned forever. Such interruptions in work affect income, so professional affiliates always have several accounts in stock from which they can quickly restart advertisement if one of the accounts is banned.

What is important, even if the ad account is blocked, the user's account itself continues to work. It's just that in the future, it will no longer be possible to launch ads specifically from this account.

However, not all accounts are suitable for ads. So, if an account was created recently and there were few activities in it, its trust rate will be automatically lower.  In order not to waste time creating and warming up an account, affiliates buy or rent them from real users.

What accounts are suitable for this, we describe below.

How much can you earn by renting an account

Basically, the cost of renting an account varies between $5 and $70 per month. The rental price depends on the quality of the account:

How long ago the account was created. Most often there is a requirement that the account must be older than one year. The older is the account, the higher is the trust from the social network.

Account filling. The account must be filled with your personal information and photos. In particular, the account must have an avatar and it is necessary that the account has a history of activities.

If the account has not been used for a long time, additional warm-up will be required, and this is a waste of time.

Contact Information. Ideally, the account will be linked by email and phone number. Facebook has more trust for such accounts.  Moreover, if the account is linked by phone number, you can change the password in a couple of clicks if the affiliate starts to perform dubious actions.

Friend list. The more friends an account has, the better. The minimum number of friends starts from 20 people and above. The quality of the friend list also plays a role: if it contains solid bots or empty accounts, the trust of the account itself may be lower.

Whether ads have been launched before. For rent, both accounts from which advertising was previously launched, and those to which an advertising account has never been linked are considered.

In the case of the former, it is important that the advertising account is not banned, otherwise such an account will be useless for the affiliate.

If an advertising account was previously linked to this account and it is active, you may be asked not to delete old advertising campaigns. Then, in the process of working with your account, affiliates will not create new advertisements, but will edit the old ones.  The reason is simple: old ads have already been moderated, so after editing they may be checked in less detail.


How the account is rented out

Access to your account after renting out can be done in two ways: by login and password to your account or using a program for remote connection.

The last method is safer. You will need to download a special program, after which the affiliate will be able to remotely connect to your computer and use your profile.

What are the advantages of this method: without your consent, the affiliate will not be able to access your profile. Moreover, you will be able to see everything that he is doing, which means that you will be able to control all the actions performed in the moment. If you are interested in affiliate marketing, you will have the opportunity to learn how the professionals do it.

What is the disadvantage: you will need to be at the computer at the time when the affiliate uses your profile. To make it convenient for everyone, usually the affiliate and the account owner agree in advance at what time the profile will be used.


What are the risks

As such, there are no direct risks for the account owner: Facebook has very strict requirements for launched advertising, which means that in any case, the affiliate will not be able to launch ads from your account that directly violate the law.

Moreover, if the account is tied to a phone number — and usually these are the accounts that are needed for rent, cause they have a higher trust — you can reset your password and disable access to your account at any time if you see that the affiliate is taking dubious actions from your account.

Facebook uses postpay: first, you launch an ad, and then it is debited from your account.  To reduce risks, it is better to rent an account that does not yet have an advertising account or your card is not tied to it.

If such an account is blocked, at least the debt will not be written off from your card.  In the current situation, if the account has a debt in the advertising office, the user's personal page is not blocked.  How this will work in the future is unknown.

At the same time, if the advertising account is blocked as a result of the work of the affiliate marketer — and it is likely to be blocked, it will be a matter of time — if in the future you decide to start in advertising on social networks, you will not be able to use this account any more.

At the same time, scammers may become interested in your page under the guise of an affiliate marketer.  So, having received the data for accessing your page, they can start sending messages to your friends with a request to send money or publish such messages in different groups. Unfortunately, there is no universal way to protect yourself from such people.


To reduce risks, we recommend:

- Only rent accounts to trusted companies.

For example, rents accounts of real users and pays for it up to 50 € per month.  For rent are suitable accounts aged 1 year and older, with a completed profile, from which no ads have been launched before and which were not used to boost likes and other gray services.


 - Provide the ability to use the account via remote access.

So you can control the actions that are performed from your account.


 - Ask in advance to familiarize yourself with the topics of the launched advertising and examples of advertisements.


At the same time, guarantees that in the future the affiliate marketer will use ads with topics that you have approved. This is another reason to rent your account to verified companies: they already have a reputation and they will not risk it.


Posted by dontfarm on 28 January 2021 - 01:04 PM in Services






Today we are sharing our customers spending stats

It's nice to relax in the evening after a hard day and play some games. Our customers combine this pleasure with business, running Gaming ads. That's the first screenshot

Guys on the second screenshot work with dropshipping, running FB ads

This year bitcoin broke records. And that is a great opportunity to start running Crypto ads, which is what these cool guys are doing on the third screenshot


Posted by dontfarm on 26 January 2021 - 12:10 PM in Services



You always wanted to become a top affiliate marketer or take your ads expertise to the next level? Just don't have enough resources?


The time has come!
We are giving you the opportunity to save more than $900 on buying FB accounts!


- 2 Premium subscription slots for $1000, instead of minimal entry point of $3790
- 10 Standard subscription slots for $1000, instead of minimal entry point of $1980


This Promo is active ONLY till January 31


To place an order please contact your manager!


Posted by dontfarm on 22 January 2021 - 11:13 AM in Services


How to choose a proxy

We have previously written that for affiliate marketing it is important to:

- Mask the real data of your connection.
- The data of the connection must look like the data of a real user.

To do this, you need to use an antidetect browser and proxy.

With their help, from one device, you can configure unique digital data for a specific geo of each of your accounts. For example, while in Rome, you can work with accounts from anywhere in the world without worrying that you will be calculated.

If one account is banned, you will need to replace the IP, fingerprint, email address, phone number and payment order.

In this article, we will show you how to choose a proxy.


What is a proxy

A proxy is an intermediary program between the user's device and the site that he visits.

If the user does not disguise his connection in any way, when visiting the site, the site owner can analyze all the information he receives from the visitor's device: where he is, from which device he visits the site, IP/

If the user is using a proxy, the site sees the proxy server data or the internet service provider, but not the user.

Proxies are used for:


Bypass restrictions.  By using a proxy, you can bypass the bans in specific countries and sites.  Thus, you can mask your real  IP and impersonate another user.

For example, when Telegram was blocked in Russia, many users continued to use the messenger using proxy servers: they connected to the proxy servers of countries in which the messenger was not prohibited, and could use it despite the restrictions in force in Russia.

It also helps to visit the resources where your original IP was blacklisted.

Anonymous access.  For a number of reasons, some users prefer to stay anonymous online and don’t want to allow other sites to analyze their data. If a person uses a proxy, site owners either see information from data centers or data from an Internet provider.  In any case, the user himself can remain anonymous.

IP hacking protection. By using a proxy, attackers will see the proxy server data, not the user himself. As a result, they will not be able to access his data.

Affiliate marketing. If you plan to work with several advertising accounts at once, farm accounts on social networks or run ads for different types of offers, it will be hard to work without a proxy.

Firstly, if you use accounts of different geo that all have the same IP, their trust will automatically be lower. Secondly, if one of the accounts is blocked, all accounts with the same IP will be suspected.

If a proxy is needed for affiliate marketing, a separate IP will be required for each account, and not all types of proxies will work.


What types of proxies exist

Proxies can be divided into different categories depending on the protocol, type of placement, level of anonymity, etc.

We will analyze two key criteria: the type of protocol and the type of placement.


Protocol type. The most popular protocols are HTTP, HTTPS and Socks.  At the same time, the first two types of proxies are not entirely suitable for affiliate marketing: in the transmitted data, they inform the site owner that a proxy is accessing them.  As a result, the site owner understands that he doesn’tt receive data from a real user and cannot identify him.

If you try to run ads on Facebook with such proxies, the trust to the account will automatically be lower.

Moreover, while transmitting data, cheap proxies can report the real IP of the user, as a result, you will not be able to maintain anonymity.

Earlier we already wrote that it is important for a social network to know as much as possible about each user.

If a proxy is used by a user who uses an account on Facebook only to communicate and receive information, the social network cannot punish him for trying to keep his connection data anonymous.  If we are talking about an advertising account, then a social network can subject such an account to a greater number of checks.

Socks proxies support all kinds of protocols including HTTP, HTTPS and FTP. Socks proxies provide complete anonymity to the user, while the website owner will not see that the proxy is accessing him. For this reason, they are considered more reliable.

For traffic arbitrage, we recommend paying attention to proxies, depending on the type of placement.

There are only two types of proxy placement: Data center proxies and residential proxies.


Data Center proxy. Such proxies are issued by companies in a large volume. Using such proxies when visiting sites, the resource owner will see the IP and data of the data center.  Data center proxies are cheap or can be obtained for free.

The low cost is due to a number of reasons:
Denying access to a number of websites.  Some websites deny access to the site if the user hides his data and uses a proxy. Thus, you will be limited in your ability to visit a number of resources.

Low trust.  In our experience, large companies, such as Google or Facebook, lower the trust level of an advertising account if it uses a proxy.  Thus, it can lead to more checks and faster bans.  But it will depend on what offers you are working with and whether you are breaking the rules of a particular resource.

Non-unique.  Data center proxies can be sold to several people at once.  As a result, your data is less protected, while you may find yourself in a situation where, after purchasing a proxy, you will find out that the IP has already been banned on a specific resource.  If for your tasks you need data center proxies, buy them from trusted sellers.


Residential proxies. These are proxies issued by internet provider. Their difference is that they are unique and each IP can be assigned to only one user.

When visiting sites using resident proxies, the site owner will be able to see not only the IP, but also the country, city, service provider, browser from which the visit is made, and in some cases even the address. It turns out that you can completely imitate the actions of a real user who is not trying to hide anything. This automatically causes more trust.

In our experience, residential proxies are best suited for traffic arbitrage. On the one hand, they provide the resource owner with complete information about the connection, which means your trust is automatically higher. On the other hand, resident proxies are unique, which means you can be sure that no one has used this IP before and will not use it after you get it.

At the same time, since the residential proxies are provided by real providers and all information corresponds to the real connection, the resource owner cannot determine that you are actually using the proxy.

Due to all these advantages, the cost of such proxies is much higher and more often starts at $ 1.3 per unit.

Buying accounts, you get unique proxies of a specific geo in the kit.  This means that you do not have to spend extra money on the purchase of the necessary proxies and look for reliable sellers.


Posted by dontfarm on 21 January 2021 - 01:52 PM in Services




Hi everyone! 

Today is Thursday, which means we are sharing new spending stats!

We are thrilled when we see our customers success, while they make their audience thrilled with gambling ads!
It's all about guys on first 2 screenshots

Guys on the third screen make good profit working with dropshipping 

#32140000 - a free service for managing ads of all your FB accounts from...

Posted by dontfarm on 19 January 2021 - 01:20 PM in Services


Starting from today provides access to a free tool -!
What can you do with this new tool?
Create ad campaigns automatically with templates
Control and track all accounts from one place - a browser page
Hide and delete comments
Monitor billing and CC's
Get the stats even after you get a ban of social accounts
Launch, stop, duplicate and delete ad campaigns, adsets and ads
Create Fan Pages, BMs and pixels
Add a CC
Change ad account country and accept FB nondiscrimination policy
Get telegram notifications

And much much more ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE!
Enjoy your work with FB and get the maximum profit! - an indispensable tool for affiliate marketers


Posted by dontfarm on 18 January 2021 - 12:15 PM in Services

Go to, buy accounts and be the best


Posted by dontfarm on 15 January 2021 - 01:44 PM in Services




Another spending stats release

Guys on the first pic run ads on dating apps. These stats are in Hong Kong dollars, so total spend here is ~5400 USD.
Love rules the world!?

Guys on the second pic work with Recruitment niche, helping HR's to find their ideal candidates.


Posted by dontfarm on 13 January 2021 - 01:19 PM in Services

Do you work with advertising on Facebook?

Try dont.farmaccounts and be the best!


Posted by dontfarm on 12 January 2021 - 10:22 AM in Services


Our partners on are introducing a wonderful subscription model!
Now you can get CC's in much more beneficial way!

If you order from 1 to 10 cards, the subscription price is 6900 rubles
If you order from 11 to 50 cards, the subscription price is 6200 rubles
If you order 51+ cards, the subscription price is 5500 rubles
Card reissue price is only 690 rubles!

What are CCs:
No documents needed!
Card is issued in 5 minutes!
Unique BIN only
Each card is credit one and has a Platinum status!
Full and easy access to 3ds and sms codes.