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Posted by awdwadawdawd on 21 August 2020 - 05:43 PM in Source Codes

Hey guys, i had nothing to do this evening and I decided to sit on the forums, saw a topic with a leak of source, decided to see what kind of code there was in pure shock...

Ofc, i decided to try to fix it all and calculated how many vulnerabilities i found - exactly 30 :D

i understand that i am now giving children the opportunity to create their own stresser, but let them try, huh


well, lets get to the bottom of how many vulnerabilities and where I found:


in login.php 1 sql vulnerability
in profile.php 1 xss vulnerability
in relogin.php sql and xss vulnerabilities
in ticket.php 3 xss vulnerabilities

in admin/bmanage.php 1 sql vulnerability
in admin/hsettings.php 1 sql vulnerability
in admin/ticket.php 2 sql and 3 xss vulnerabilities

in /includes/ajax/admin/tickets/reply.php 2 sql vulnerabilities
in /includes/ajax/user/tickets/reply.php 2 sql vulnerabilities
in /includes/ajax/user/tools/tools.php 7 xss vulnerabilities

in staff/ticket.php 2 sql and 3 xss vulnerabilities

total fixed: 30 vulnerabilities


link for download: