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There have been 4 items by MrLeonard (Search limited from Jun 16, 2023)

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#21985869 Thoughts on drugs?

Posted by MrLeonard on 12 October 2019 - 04:01 PM in Personal Life

One time friends talked me to try some weed. It was fun, but not so much I would like to do it again. Later, after 2-3 years dunno why I started thinking i should try again. Then it was really fun, so I started smoking it occasionally, like two times a month, later one time a week, until I started getting stoned 2 to 3 times a day. It lasted for few months, until I started noticing how disbalanced and distracted I became. I started to slowly decrease amount I smoked and later just dropped it. I believe it took me three months to recover, but now about a year has passed and I am good as never.


My thoughts on drugs: never going to fuck with this shit again, after I see what it does to people.


Posted by MrLeonard on 12 October 2019 - 03:33 PM in Accounts

Few days ago bought a netflix account, everything went smoothly. Definitely will buy again. Recommend!

#21947095 Burn CD

Posted by MrLeonard on 10 October 2019 - 02:32 PM in The Lounge

Well, most of the CD burning programs use file details, which you can edit (in Windows) by right-clicking the file, selecting Properties and opening Details tab. If those fields are empty, then all tracks are burned as "Track 1", "Track 2" and so on. You can edit these fields simply by clicking on it and typing the name.



And for the program - use anything you want. When I needed to burn audio CD I used Windows Media Player.

#21946864 Hello

Posted by MrLeonard on 10 October 2019 - 02:13 PM in Introductions

Hello everybody

I am new to this forum and I would like to introduce myself. My name is Leo. Few months ago I found a new hobby - computers, and I am literally spending most of my time searching for information about it and learning new things. But sometimes I don't want to be learning so I watch something on Netflix (yesterday started "Money Heist" and after first two series I was angry because I haven't found it earlier). I found this forum while I was searching for Netflix accounts, and after a short glance I discovered pretty neat market and coding sections with a lot of information and services I never thought existed, so I decided to join this community. Most of the topics discussed in here are new for me, but if something is from my field, I will do my best to share everything I know. Sorry if my posts have grammatical mistakes, not a native English speaker.


TL;DR - This community is awesome and I want to be a part of it.


So, thanks for reading my intro and have a nice day folk. ;)