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There have been 456 items by LOKIHACK (Search limited from Jun 02, 2023)

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#21121231 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 31 August 2019 - 09:54 PM in Solved

I didn't fkg scam him ?? ban me it was really nice joining this fourm ?
And i could give you guys my address instead of searching for it lol.
Good luck ya all
I didn't scam but thanks i have no more defense

That's how i do transactions.
But ok don't believe me

#21121167 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 31 August 2019 - 09:51 PM in Solved

I didn't fkg scam him ?? ban me it was really nice joining this fourm ?
And i could give you guys my address instead of searching for it lol.
Good luck ya all
I didn't scam but thanks i have no more defense

#21119786 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 31 August 2019 - 08:37 PM in Solved

You actually copied the invisible char?
How can someone be at fault if they add the discord the copy paste?
You are alao at fault here

How this could be my fault ?? It should add my discord ID.
I didn't know that it won't be copied dude lol!
It's not my fault that he didn't verified my identity by sending me msg on nulled that's how's I always work with people and i can show you more than 10 people that i traded with , i always check identity before doing transaction

#21116374 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 31 August 2019 - 06:02 PM in Solved



Whats weird to me is that you have different discord ID's in 2 different threads (yes I read all the pages and saw your arguments for that)


Basically if someone added the "impostor/scammer" arent you at fault?  (like Lucas said)


because you "advertised" that scammers discord


As op also showed so much proof that you are liable


Whats your defense to that?

I have explained why i have 2 discord ID's.
Basically if someone added the "impostor/scammer" arent you at fault? My discord ID had an invisible character Alt+0125 i copied it when i pasted it on nulled thread but i don't know why when someone adds me it adds the impostor discord that was the problem  ! that's why in every trading section i open i say dm me for verification before doing any transaction 

#21106728 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 31 August 2019 - 09:25 AM in Solved

So why did you change your discord just now? It makes absolutely no sense, why did you also change your discord to one with a special character too? That makes less sense than changing it, you basically exposed yourself after claiming it wasnt you, if it wasnt you then why did you have a special character in your name when you added him on discord?

lol dude it would be a dump ass move if i change it to special character with no reason , i told him when i changed that i can change to lokihack with no special character again so he can see that's anybody can just make fake name with invisible character and i changed it lokihack with normal character just to show him that i can change to whatever i want!     

#21100847 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 31 August 2019 - 01:25 AM in Solved

So you are trying to say somebody impersonated your previous account (that was and still is on google cache) and then you decided to change your username to the same but with a capitalized L? Add him from the account you own and post proof you've used that account for at least a few weeks, maybe ask people to show previous chats with you from that account?

i really didn't quite understand , what is even google cache! 
the impersonator used my user with lokihack and i just changed mine to capital that's all what happened.

#21100741 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 31 August 2019 - 01:19 AM in Solved

So you are trying to say somebody impersonated your previous account (that was and still is on google cache) and then you decided to change your username to the same but with a capitalized L? Add him from the account you own and post proof you've used that account for at least a few weeks, maybe ask people to show previous chats with you from that account?

I didn't understand you need previous chats from people? i can do that 

#21095029 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 30 August 2019 - 08:26 PM in Solved

So you have 3 different discords?
He dealt with the discord shown in your thread, therefore you should be liable for it. What are you trying to justify with this?

No lucas as i mentioned before i only have 2 discrod accounts!
the same discord i just changed username before hour ago so impersonator doesn't have same one just that, the same account my main one so i only have 2!  

#21094467 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 30 August 2019 - 07:58 PM in Solved

but i have proof that its you and not a impersonator sir

dude i said what i have! anyone can do a discord account with same discord tag and username and the one you have sent the 240$ it wasn't me! 
now discord has changed my discord tag because i changed my username so the impersonator doesn't have my discord user again and anyone who needs my discrod could only dm me and i'll give it to him i won't share it on threads!
nulled rules are clear when it comes to trading you have to dm verification before sending anything! 
i have done 321412 transaction since i joined nulled and all was happy with my service i fastly send money back i don't be late even 1 min and you can check that from my reputations!
as i said i won't lose my nulled account for fkg 240$ lol! 
you should've asked for dm verification that's everything i have to say! 
and i will leave everything to admins now because i got to go! 


#21094229 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 30 August 2019 - 07:45 PM in Solved

And nulled instructions when it comes to trading ! you have to do verification 


#21094156 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 30 August 2019 - 07:40 PM in Solved

lol dude i just changed it to Lokihack to people won't add the impersonator , he could easily just have added an invisible symbol it's too easy to do! 
i can change my name to lokihack again if u want lol!

And nulled instructions when it comes to trading ! you have to do verification 

#21094112 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 30 August 2019 - 07:37 PM in Solved

lol dude i just changed it to Lokihack to people won't add the impersonator , he could easily just have added an invisible symbol it's too easy to do! 
i can change my name to lokihack again if u want lol!

And nulled instructions when it comes to trading ! you have to do verification 

#21094007 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 30 August 2019 - 07:31 PM in Solved

wow you changed your thread discord from lokihack#5265 to Lokihack#5265 ur so cool but 1. your thread had a lower case L and 2. you literally said your discord on laptop  was with a lowercase l

p.s. the acc u added me with got nitro today ,and had a uppercase L

@Diesel can you say something

lol dude i just changed it to Lokihack to people won't add the impersonator , he could easily just have added an invisible symbol it's too easy to do! 
i can change my name to lokihack again if u want lol!

#21093758 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 30 August 2019 - 07:19 PM in Solved

dude it's not fkg me , what's your discord i'll add you and show you that you are not my friend list

I just sent you friends request now lol he's not even accepting

#21093635 Scam report against | /user/2015006-lokihack/ | $240

Posted by LOKIHACK on 30 August 2019 - 07:15 PM in Solved

bro your lowkey making me mad by pming me and saying this bullshit, you can see you speak the exact same as the other guy and I ADDED YOU which means theres no way i couldve added a impersonator, @Diesel this clown trying to say i spoke to a impersonator when im the one who added him from the thread

say that shit again with this gyazo gif

dude it's not fkg me , what's your discord i'll add you and show you that you are not my friend list

dude it's not fkg me , what's your discord i'll add you and show you that you are not my friend list

I just sent you friends request now

dude it's not fkg me , what's your discord i'll add you and show you that you are not my friend list

I just sent you friends request now