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There have been 115 items by TattleTale (Search limited from Jun 08, 2023)

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Posted by TattleTale on 15 June 2020 - 11:52 PM in E-Whoring

Wow man thumbs up

#22091098 Amazon Giftcard Checker proxyless (Still Working 2019-02-08)

Posted by TattleTale on 18 October 2019 - 12:54 PM in Cracking Tools

I hope this one works I need to buy VIP so I dont need to comment ree but thank you

#24759624 [Free] Another Premium Ewhore pack with verification

Posted by TattleTale on 20 February 2020 - 11:45 AM in E-Whoring

for the love of Satan please be HQ banned man

#20343425 Yeet, im dying...

Posted by TattleTale on 31 July 2019 - 09:38 AM in Personal Life

Update 1: My mom killed herself yesterday 3/08/2019. I cant do this anymore its just too much.

Update 2: Again, overwhelming support from my Nulled Family. Thank you for all the wishes this has been the most difficult thing I have ever gone through. With the current donations I bought a plane ticket down to my home town to be at the funeral. Thank you all for that! Ive recieved more than I could have ever asked for. I will post another update tomorrow 06/08/2019 with regards to my personal situation. I know its a horrible time for me but through my mom I may be able to live my life stronger than ever.


Update 3: I'm using my phone so I apologise, I'm currently sorting out my moms affairs, my mom transferred the rest of her account balance to her boyfriend 2 days before she did it , we believe she had been planning this for a while as this would be counted towards he will which would take 6+ months to get sorted , thank you to everyone who has donated and the Anonymouse donation I received, I've been able to buy tickets to make my moms funeral ehich is a momentous thing all of you have done for me I will post some pictures of the funeral and the pamphlet it makes my heart warm that this is becuase of my Nulled family, we found out today that she had a funeral policy that her boyfriend was paying for,  as well as some of her policies.

To answer everyone I dont wany to start a gofundme, I dont want to expose myself like that, there are people out there that have situations 10x worse than mine,  all the current donations have helped me to see my mom, I saw her today. It was instant, through her jaw. She looked peaceful, i dont blame you for what you did mom i know you were sick. I Love You


Update 4: I have been so busy sorting out her affairs and funeral arrangement, that has been my top priority, her boyfriend game me  me some money so at this point my MRI will be paid of soon, with a lot of love, help, and support from my Nulled family. She had life policies which is currently being sorted out , they will be instantly paid, apparently but I haven't received anything, her will seems shady, everything seems shady, her assets have been frozen but I will let all of you know when and what is happening. But enough about all that noise. 

her memorial service was beautiful I wish you could have all been there for my eulogy, that was the hardest thing I've ever done, if anyone wants to see it pm me, maybe you shed a tear maybe you dont.

FINAL UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!

Update 5: Hi There its been a while. The date is 24/08/2019. There are so many of you to thank for your love and support all of you have changed my life, who would have thought a bunch of strangers on a website could have done all of this, it has blown my mind. So my current situation, I went to my neurosurgeon, and this is what he said, because of its position they want to wait for it to grow more due to its tricky positioning, The risk of surgery is too high, I'm a little bit scared at the moment, I will go into emergency surgery if it pushes against my optical nerve (making me blind). Its in an awkward position so we just have to hope and pray that it grows away from my optical nerve (its on the side of my pituitary gland) if it does then its smooth sailing and I can get it removed.
So my Mom. Fuck its been tough 
I've had so many days where I have just sat in the shower crying, she was my world.

I'm planning to pay everyone back before the end of 2019, so please keep your TXID so i can do that I will be letting everyone know when I can, thank you to everyone for the donations and a very very special to 
TheN3RoX for helping me with my doctors bills and my MRI which in turn means I've been able to apply for a medical aid, in 3 months I will be able to use it, which means any further doctors bills will be covered!!!!!!!!! You have changed my life, and another very special thanks to the Moderators for helping to expose my thread as well as  Ueli and Rafik911 for exposing my thread and helping it to blow up, you're both amazing people. One more very very special thanks to  Skyline and Angeldust  for being my rock, for being there at 4 am to listen to me bitch and moan, you two are fucking super stars <3

Ok, one more very very very special thank you, to every single Nulled user that liked, replied, donated, prayed or even thought of me during this period of time. You're all amazing people. I will always be active on Nulled if you feel like you need to chat or vent, I've been in the dumps and I would love to lend a helping hand its  the least you deserve . PM on Nulled or Suffocate#6498 on Discord, just know someone loves you.

UPDATE 6: Shhhh I know what I said...
So I'm still depressed with what happened, but I'm coping, I haven't made all the right decisions, but I'm getting there.
So I have saved up some money, which is awesome as I have a goal to reach. So I'm reinvesting my money back into Nulled. 
I hope all of you that have read this, know that you're a good person for giving someone that time of day, not many do that 
And to those who have hit me up asking how they should deal with issues they are having, thank you, it's the least I could do.

Until we meet again, 






Thank you my Nulled Family, I cried today because of all of you, you have all given me hope again <3



#20344873 Yeet, im dying...

Posted by TattleTale on 31 July 2019 - 11:17 AM in Personal Life

Oh fuck dude, I am so sorry. Any family members that can help? Real friends? I'm from Greece and these numbers are pretty expensive man! :pepe:

Thank you my dude, i live by myself and support myself :pepolove:

#20345684 Yeet, im dying...

Posted by TattleTale on 31 July 2019 - 12:11 PM in Personal Life

Idk if I should comment, I'm much younger than you so I might not know what I am saying.But I think you can pay off debt in the future. Don't stress too much and worsen your health op. Your life is worth more than any amount of money, don't let that affect your health.   :ok:


best of luck OP.  :pepolove:

Thank you man I appreciate the love and support:pepolove:

Under 6k to get a brain tumor removed? That dosent seem like a bad deal at all actually. 

Yeah, in Europe and America its really expensive, its much cheaper here

#20386839 Yeet, im dying...

Posted by TattleTale on 02 August 2019 - 06:27 AM in Personal Life


#20411833 Yeet, im dying...

Posted by TattleTale on 03 August 2019 - 08:50 AM in Personal Life

One Last Bump

#20514268 Yeet, im dying...

Posted by TattleTale on 07 August 2019 - 01:46 PM in Personal Life

I'm trying to send some money but my wallet says that it's an invalid address

Thank you so much for your consideration, I did update it if you would still like to <3

#21998847 [Free Money] Make $50/day with 10-15 mins work - Unique Method, No Investment

Posted by TattleTale on 13 October 2019 - 07:24 AM in Monetizing Techniques

thank you for the contribution

#24418824 Dr.Fone toolkit for iOS and Android

Posted by TattleTale on 05 February 2020 - 04:15 PM in Cracked Programs

Thank you for the HQ post man <3

#22000811 Amazon Fake Receipt Generator | Get Free Shit

Posted by TattleTale on 13 October 2019 - 10:31 AM in Cracked Programs

thanks bud

#28711058 ⚡[ELITE]⚡ HOW TO DOX SOMEONE EASILY AND FAST ! (DOXED Finndev with this m...

Posted by TattleTale on 12 July 2020 - 07:25 PM in Tutorials, Guides, Ebooks, etc.

thanks bruv


Posted by TattleTale on 20 February 2020 - 05:29 PM in E-Whoring

Thank you for the post man

#24773226 My Story - How I make $30 Everyday

Posted by TattleTale on 21 February 2020 - 12:13 AM in Monetizing Techniques

this sounds kinda interesting