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There have been 48 items by DeathAura (Search limited from Jun 11, 2023)

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#21860578 WTB HQ targeted combos for Runescape

Posted by DeathAura on 05 October 2019 - 05:08 PM in Buyers

must be trusted or with proof of hits

#21758190 Need a $200 Loan [READ EVEN IF I'M A PLEB LMAO]

Posted by DeathAura on 29 September 2019 - 06:43 PM in Favors & Rewards

Is true asking for loans other than for almost dying purposes is useless and even then Gofundme or some other platform would be way much better because communities like this are so cut throat. People have so many issues on here that they feel the best way to spend their day is to hardcore bash a person they don't know just to make themselves feel better because you're not forced to post/to loan. Nobody is, obviously the chances of scam are high but they are with just about anything being sold or traded as well. Just my 2 cents good luck OP.

#21758061 weed or alcohol

Posted by DeathAura on 29 September 2019 - 06:37 PM in Personal Life

I've only recently started to try out weed and I'm pretty disappointed. The "high" i was expecting doesn't really feel as high as I would like it to be. Most of the time I just feel sick and drained/lazy. This also stays until the next day. I'm gonna try it a few more times since I've also had a few very fun sessions where I just laughed about the most random shit with friends. Overall I think alcohol is "easier" to use since you can't really go wrong unless you overdo it while weed you need to be way more cautios with being hydrated otherwise you will feel horrible the next day.

Kinda late on this but try some HQ sativas. Most dealers sell mid quality shit which really does the top shelf no justice. If you don't like the groggy feeling sativas/sativa hybrids are the way to go and yes proper hydration just like alcohol but without the nasty hangover lol.

#21739878 OSRSCloudChecker - Oldschool Runescape Account Checker + BankYoinker

Posted by DeathAura on 28 September 2019 - 08:12 PM in Products

sent pm with some questions

#20482435 Boobs or ass?

Posted by DeathAura on 06 August 2019 - 05:17 AM in Personal Life

why not both XD

#20482405 [SERIOUS] what is the best way to get rich in your 20s ?

Posted by DeathAura on 06 August 2019 - 05:15 AM in The Lounge

Forex my friend FOREXX!!

Yeah Forex/stocks are profitable but if misguided can screw tf out of your wallet. As with everything proper education and perseverance is key

#20482284 [SERIOUS] what is the best way to get rich in your 20s ?

Posted by DeathAura on 06 August 2019 - 05:06 AM in The Lounge

can't seem to get my head around it, give me some legit non-scamming/stealing way of doing it :)


--thanks in advance

The issue with opening a site like alphabay and shit is that You have A LOT to deal with. Is not like a one night stand (cum and thats it)

You need bug hunters, you need to control the animals that is both sellers and buyers because they will smell new meat they will want to try to scam the soul out of each other and yourself, then we have the blue collars. So it may seem simple but it's not. The DNMs are a mess right now as it is.

My whitehat suggestion would be to look into IM if you have a IRL side income then it would propel you faster. A lot of people take SEO and having a few blogs/domains for granted but after a few months it does pay off. To profit faster you need a much larger investment like 10k atleast for certain things.

Shopify is not that hard to profit from and in general if you break into the investment side of IM is not but if you overload on info or even after you start you get greedy then you are fucked. Gray also has it's things but you should look into something stable depending on your situation / risk taking level.

I say risk taking cause in all 3 you will lose money but if you are deligent enough you won't lose as much and that lost will be like paid education instead of real loss. Anyways good luck

#20482117 Best porn I ever seen - Cum almost instantly! - NSFW (obvious) IMGUR VERSION

Posted by DeathAura on 06 August 2019 - 04:52 AM in The Lounge

Hottest shit I've ever seen XD

#20481453 Royal Rant

Posted by DeathAura on 06 August 2019 - 04:09 AM in The Lounge

Someone get their mans, don’t be upset :( btw GLWS can I have vouch copy?

Don't be ignorant kid... I'm talking about a real issue and all you can reduce it to is that.

#20463262 Is this still a cracking forum or......?

Posted by DeathAura on 05 August 2019 - 12:41 PM in Feedback and Suggestions







So if epic games contacts you are you going to get rid of all fortnite threads?



How about refund section im sure thats against amazon TOS. 


If they ask you nicely to remove it are you going to remove it?



Why would he do this? Why would he think its okay to delete someones thread they paid to have pinned because its against the TOS of another service.






This is crossing a line. It makes no sense at all. And dont even try to reply with some shit about "liability" because its bullshit and you know it. if cracking forums were bullied that easily they simply would not exist. The only reason i can think of for doing this is that smart proxy paid someone off or there has been an agreement.



I suggest staff addresses this instead of sweeping it under the rug or censoring me like you have in the past when receiving criticism from me because I will be posting this on other forums and calling attention to it and its gonna be a bad look if you just delete the thread without addressing it.



Get your shit together or this forum will be left in the dust very quickly. 


Either that or stop pretending to be a cracking forum.


Make up your mind because caving to cease and desist from a proxy company is not the behavior of a blackhat forum.


Take that shit to reddit. 


This is a disgrace. 

Lmao I lost it when I read "Your source for whitehat content" kinda still laughing :D

#20463168 Royal Rant

Posted by DeathAura on 05 August 2019 - 12:36 PM in The Lounge

I have never even took a Vouch copy so dont go ranting about all of us 



I will only ever take a VC if I am interested and actually willing to vouch for the product  also said many times I will be 100% honest when I decide to take a VOUCH copy if I think the product is shit I will say so simple as that 

Let me correct myself then 98% of Royals. In everything, literally the whole marketplace premium section I can say I've seen a few (a few) emphasize on few legit vouches. I only like to buy software because I'm somewhat familiar and can deduct what can/cannot happen but having seen and inquired about other products services/ebook section. Most of the vouches are BS and many featuring "legit" royals even end up with scam reports and taken down so don't feel salty if you aren't contributing to the issue. This is for most of those who do, just because this is gray area shit doesn't mean people should be getting tricked. Many noobs go blind wasting money on shit that isn't what it is SOLELY because a Royal vouched it. That's my issue and I'm tired of seeing that.

The people who scam get into trouble but how about the people who vouched the shit? why can't they all get in trouble at the same time or get their rank taken atleast is my question.

#20462793 Royal Rant

Posted by DeathAura on 05 August 2019 - 12:13 PM in The Lounge



there is also an rule against vouch hunting 


just report the users / the post 




and lucas wanted to change the vouch for legendary ( the rank that you get at 1000 likes ) 

but still hasnt done that 

If we were to report every shady Royal then tbh it would break the site XD. Like I said even the so called legit ones don't even do a full SE, review, or anything in regards to products/services. I invite anyone to go to the marketplace and read the vouches. You'll see something along the lines of "Uhhh yeaaa I tried this but I don't feel like doing this or don't have time for this." BS or something like "Yeah I really think is a good product". Royals are frauds.

If you supposedly don't have time for something then don't ask for a vouch. Give a full review with proofs but nah these people easily go to sleep at night while noobs get scammed because they're like "OMG a Royal vouched it so this is dead on". This is sad and it needs to stop.

#20462230 Royal Rant

Posted by DeathAura on 05 August 2019 - 11:43 AM in The Lounge

When i become royal i'll be giving the best vouches :pepo:

psssh lmaao

most of them are like boted/salf likers

or shit posters

damn you ranked up quick lol I've seen you for a bit but yeah Royals are the cancer of Nulled

#20462175 Royal Rant

Posted by DeathAura on 05 August 2019 - 11:39 AM in The Lounge

I just love how we have so many Royals and most of them don't even give good vouches.

Shit most of them BARELY try the free shit they're given and then give misleading half assed reviews..

Just wanted to vent on this because I've been on the forum for awhile even before registering and it's painstakingly fucking annoying. They just care about the rank and use it to vouch hunt. As if the site doesn't have many issues already with spammers and scammers but if anything they contribute to the whole scamming problem.


P.S don't come with the whole "I'm Royal and I don't do it" Bullshit. Don't want that because still most of y'all do a horrible job even the so called legit ones.

#20406494 Restrict the posting of "money making ebook" leaks to people who have...

Posted by DeathAura on 03 August 2019 - 01:33 AM in Feedback and Suggestions

simply by using keywords like the cash links, if any grey member posts anything that contains "make" and "money" in the title, the thread will automatically get hiddenI

I say it's a good idea #roadtocleanerforum