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There have been 5 items by XG4 (Search limited from Jun 10, 2023)

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#18591716 Linux sql-i

Posted by XG4 on 13 May 2019 - 06:26 PM in Cracking Support

Hi, i was trying to run sql-i dumper (8.3) under wine but for some reason it won't work (Error below).


Right now i am searching for alternatives or for some fix to the error.


Do you, for some reason, have any cli/gui tools to test a very large list of urls for sql-injection that work native/under wine in linux?


I don't need a program with a dork url scraper since i already have the urls.


I also know about sqlmap but it is slow as fuck for long lists because for testing urls it isn't multithreaded.


Also, while you are there, do you also have some proxy chekers for linux that can filter dorks (Eg. ssl ones from non ssl ones)?



The error that sql-i dumper gives me under wine - playonlinux:

#16973242 "Combo" - The all-in-one Dorks/Combo tool!

Posted by XG4 on 25 February 2019 - 10:50 PM in Cracking Tools





Since i haven't really posted anything i decided to make this tool (Mainly because i wanted to have it all in one place)


Now, this tool is the one, it has everything you could need from a < 30Kb python program full list of features below


Ovbiously, i am just gonna support this program, since it includes everything that has been posted on this account.


So, as always, if you have some questions or something does not work for you feel free to pm me


Now, since the leechers can't read no more, here is the download:


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Ok, if you are still reading this it means you need something from me.


Here is a quick explanation of everything:





#14750165 sort hits

Posted by XG4 on 05 December 2018 - 07:57 PM in Cracking Support

Sorry for this abomination but i made it (Don't look in the source code, please)

#14749110 Need assistance with Dorks

Posted by XG4 on 05 December 2018 - 06:53 PM in Cracking Support

Added you, see ya on there

#14748964 Best combo checker/extractor?

Posted by XG4 on 05 December 2018 - 06:45 PM in Cracking Support

It depends, i personally use snipr by pragma:

If you don't have 20$ (Probable cause you have just started) you can also use sentry mba.

I don't have a favourite tutorial on that one but you can search here on nulled, there are many good ones.