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Reputation Report for CPLover

Summary Reputation pie chart
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 0 0 0
Last 6 months 0 0 0
All Time 264 48 -38
Danger ( 140 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+3): BIg love <3 AL
forfucksakedude ( 257 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): gone, but not forgotten
( 0 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+16): r i p
HopeGod ( 774 ) - Given 4 years ago

Positive (+2): 24 hrs Happy Halloween Sir :smug:
( 0 ) - Given 5 years ago - Last updated 5 years ago

Neutral (0): Comeback plz :pepolove:
St0n3d ( 309 ) - Given 5 years ago

Negative (-2): CPLover more like DICKSucker
bembo69 ( 206 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): :cro: ty for the emote - nisam znao da si nas
NonFound ( 123 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+3): first guy that sent money to my BTC acc, croatia ftw aswell Kappa
Naturare ( 276 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+3): Welcome back adam :smug:
Rafik911 ( 1166 ) - Given 6 years ago - Last updated 4 years ago

Positive (+3): CP
KILLERKEEEMSTAR ( 159 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+1): nulled.bk :jew:
ND03 ( 340 ) - Given 6 years ago

Negative (-1): No comment given.
LmaoFao ( 0 ) - Given 6 years ago

Neutral (0): hmmTHONK
ContjeJr ( 327 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): :pogchamp:
StarkRDP ( 177 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): gib alles
pruned_37914974 ( 44 ) - Given 6 years ago - Last updated 6 years ago

Positive (+2): Some really cool and generous contributions! :)
Isaac1337 ( -62 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+1): I thought that my nulled age was HQ shit until I realized this: :kek:
Huffy ( 602 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+3): The creator of light :wub:
lnsane ( 139 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): 돌아왔다! 빛의 창조주! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
pruned91549524 ( 520 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+1): The best dev in the world :wub: