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Reputation Report for PuzaWax

Summary Reputation pie chart
(Advanced Member)
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 0 0 0
Last 6 months 0 0 0
All Time 24 1 -3
TheLegendBROLY ( 453 ) - Given 4 years ago

Negative (-2): ENJOY this neg rep bitch next time u could've just mentioned i didn't post the right thing instead of neg upvote people cause u think u smart TOXIC bitch
3X1L3DP4TH ( 78 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+1): <3
patrickr ( 220 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): Cool and trusted user, had no problems to go first.
Alph4 ( 48 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+1): HQ User :)
Beenos ( 151 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): Men, many tank you.
AnisFerchichi ( 612 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+1): :)
sharkmuscles ( 34 ) - Given 6 years ago - Last updated 6 years ago

Neutral (0): nice guy
DaZeStoner ( 87 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): some green for you!
FR3D ( 73 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): :hype:
AgileSlave ( 50 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): aucii Rocks!
banned1234 ( 118 ) - Given 6 years ago - Last updated 6 years ago

Positive (+2): nice trader i went first
Lyoko ( 75 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+1): Trusted
SelfMadeVagina ( 46 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+2): Ur name sounds like PussyWax if a russian said it
Bitcoin ( 213 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+3): Traded AGC smooth
DARXUUUUUUUSSS ( 21 ) - Given 6 years ago - Last updated 6 years ago

Positive (+1): Dunno why you gave me a rep. Take one back.
nidok ( 150 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+1): What a luck Kappa
Nibble ( 24 ) - Given 6 years ago

Positive (+1): No comment given.
Veterun ( 281 ) - Given 6 years ago

Negative (-1): only because of the srry part